Sentences with phrase «different residences»

To satisfy this requirement, you and your spouse must live in different residences during this time.
To qualify, you and your spouse must maintain different residences and the separation period must be uninterrupted.
The spouses can not continue to live together in the same home and still be separated; they must live in different residences.
When you file your complaint for divorce, you must state within it that you've met the requirements for a one - year separation, and that you and your spouse have lived in different residences for the entire time.
If personal property is stolen from an entirely different residence, or if an entirely different apartment has a fire, someone can't claim that they meant to insure the location that had a loss.
«Although Zephyr R. Teachout has resided in several different residences within the city of New York since 2009, while maintaining close connections to her childhood domicile of Vermont, that is nothing more than an ambiguity in the residency calculus,» the higher appeals court noted.
Separated couples often live at different residences, and their lives can be difficult to distinguish from divorced individuals.
Many different residence patterns emerge in the absence of the migrating fathers from the house.
If personal property is stolen from an entirely different residence, or if an entirely different apartment has a fire, someone can't claim that they meant to insure the location that had a loss.
Orange County, CA (Law Firm Newswire) September 18, 2015 — The California Supreme Court on July 20 ruled that it is necessary for divorcing couples to live in different residences in order to claim separate property and qualify as legally separated.
In fact I would have a different residence for every season, and then I could give gifts of French cheese and wine to world leaders to show that you shouldn't mess with us.
Each different residence or villa has its own view, mood and spirit, matching the luxurious nature of the whole estate itself.
(At the same time, the father also gifted a different residence to his daughter.)
If your landlord did not have adequate homeowner's coverage, then chances are that you will need to find a different residence in Columbus.
Does your new budget require downsizing, or moving to a different residence?
The couple lives in different residences but remain married, but the majority of the marital ties are severed.
For example, if you want to have joint physical custody of your children, it is best to have a clearly articulated and written parenting plan prior to moving into a different residence.
To add insult to injury, it usually includes other major changes — a different residence, shared child custody, challenging schedules, a shift in finances.
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