Sentences with phrase «different sides of the argument»

He discusses at length the possibility of publishers moving to the wholesale model for e-books and how different sides of the argument respond to that possibility.
So instead of pointing fingers... at different sides of the argument as to who is to blame, and if nature just to blame, let's do something about it.
Quotes about the violence in Canada and the resurgence of Flint are not necessarily all encompassing, but I think Wilson is just trying to show different sides of an argument and not the end of an argument.
Collecting evidence is an important part of essay writing because it allows students to weigh different sides of an argument and eventually craft theses that they are able to defend.
Unfortunately Jeremy and I were both around in 75, 41 years ago and we were on different sides of the argument and it's fair to say the Labour party was split right down the middle.
The authors try to include the different sides of each argument, but there is far more opposition to some of the notions than the book allows.
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