Sentences with phrase «different signal to noise ratio»

NASA's «GISS» temp uses land and ocean - based thermometers which measure «different parts of the system [UHI affected parking lots, asphalt heat sinks, AC exhaust air vents], different signal to noise ratio [we bias toward warm stations], different structural uncertainty [we «homogenise» our data set to cool the past and warm the present to fit the global warming narrative].»

Not exact matches

Digital acoustical cry analyses captures qualities like frequency, energy, and signal - to - noise ratio and show that a pain cry has a different pattern from other cries (it's high - pitched, loud, and sudden, with some breath - holding).
I do think that the blogosphere will not so much reduce fighting over ideas or increase the signal to noise ratio as much as it will facilitate addressing the concerns that lead to the in - fighting, and enable the different signals to be heard, and then discussed.
Although the first two sources of model uncertainty - different climate sensitivities and regional climate change patterns - are usually represented in climate scenarios, it is less common for the third and fourth sources of uncertainty - the variable signal - to - noise ratio and incomplete description of key processes and feedbacks - to be effectively treated.
Of course it should be said that climate prediction science is quite different from weather prediction although a poor signal to noise ratio is evident in both.
The space - time structure of natural climate variability needed to determine the optimal fingerprint pattern and the resultant signal - to - noise ratio of the detection variable is estimated from several multi-century control simulations with different CGCMs and from instrumental data over the last 136 y. Applying the combined greenhouse gas - plus - aerosol fingerprint in the same way as the greenhouse gas only fingerprint in a previous work, the recent 30 - y trends (1966 — 1995) of annual mean near surface temperature are again found to represent a significant climate change at the 97.5 % confidence level.
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