Sentences with phrase «different study methods»

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During most MBA programs, business school students read numerous case studies, evaluating the strategies of many different kinds of companies, analyzing the cost of bringing new product lines to market and novel methods to cut expenses.
A recent study in the Journal of Applied Microbiology has compared how viruses disperse from the hands of users of three different drying methods — paper towels, standard «warm air» dryers, and so - called «jet dryers» like the Dyson model.
The study aimed to find how different methods of giving allowance prepare them for adult financial responsibility.
Like other sociological disciplines — the sociology of art or of law — the sociology of religion is the offspring of two different scholarly pursuits, the study of society and the study of religion.1 Its character, methods, and aims reflect this parentage.
The Jewish methods of studying and interpreting their Bible were very different from those we employ today.
These two studies used different methods, surveyed different kinds of congregations and involved different cities, so we should not be surprised that the results differ.
Cn you support your answer with appropriate scriptural citations, bearing in mind that different methods of Bible Study result can result in contrary and conflicting understandings.
So in 2005, Professor Vermont P. Dia of the University of the Philippines conducted a study with some of his graduate students to analyze various virgin coconut oils in the Philippine market produced using different methods.
The performance of different propensity - score methods for estimating differences in proportions (risk differences or absolute risk reductions) in observational studies.
In a study that looked at different types of sleeping training, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) calls this method of sleep training graduated extinction, which refers to a «graduation» in the number of times a parent lets their baby cry before going in to soothe them.
In general, studies are lacking in details about the complexities of feeding multiples and do not specify details of the feeding method such as direct breastfeeding, use of tube, cup or bottle, the use of fortifiers, the use of supplementary milks, the use of donor breast milk or expressed maternal breast milk, and the differences in feeding method between different babies (Renfrew 2009).
My son does not go to a Montessori preschool, but he goes to a preschool which has studied all these different disciplines and has incorporated a lot of the Montessori methods within the classroom environment, but it's not specifically a Montessori school.
† The effects of DHA on infant brain and eye development have been studied using range of methods and different sources of DHA including fish oils and DHA derived from algae (which is the source used in Expecta).
In order to avoid «double counting» in studies involving one control group and two different interventions groups, we split the control group number of events and participants in half, so that we could include two independent comparisons, as per methods described the Handbook [section16.5.4].
Parents with kids that study in different schools and do extra curricular activities, retired / old people, tourists, businessmen have a lot of valid reasons to still need to use a private or at least massive transportation system, so we can not rely solely on bicycle transportation methods for those, still, we must provide those that can rely on them (young people, average commuters living not that far from the office, teenagers...)
As for the Lund researchers, the method provides a tool for studying how neurons cooperate inside a healthy brain and in animal models with different neurological diseases.
«We hope our findings will encourage others to use whole - genome sequencing as a method to determine all the off - target effects of their CRISPR techniques and study different versions for the safest, most accurate editing,» Dr. Tsang says.
The authors chose to use computational methods to study the influence of intermolecular interactions between different types of molecules — in this case, they simplified the approach by limiting it to methane and activated carbon — on adsorption.
The group also used different methods than in the previous study, which Lamb believes results in a more accurate assessment of the actual emissions.
The study established that it is possible to combine the stress and rest MPI scans, but this requires the use of accurate scattering compensation methods in order to compensate for the cross-scattering of different radionuclides.
Dr Vera Weisbecker of UQ's School of Biological Sciences said the study represented the first dataset comparing brain growth in different mammals, gathered through a novel method of non-invasive micro-CT (computed tomography) scanning which allowed the fast data acquisition of soft tissue growth in tiny mammals.
A combination of different therapy methods is much more suitable for this purpose than single therapies, according to a conclusion of the study.
In the course of a study conducted throughout Germany, medical professionals have compared different treatment methods for Neuromyelitis optica, an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system.
The so - called hiatus was disproved by a team of NOAA climate scientists in a 2015 study that found the data set supporting a pause was inaccurate because it relied on different methods of temperature collection.
«Not only do we believe that high - quality, randomized clinical trials are necessary to determine the safety of the Lariat device for off - label procedures, but our analysis raises broader issues with the FDA 510 (k) clearance protocol for medical devices,» said study senior author Jay Giri, MD, MPH, assistant professor in the Cardiovascular Medicine Division at Penn. «We believe there needs to be a method for reassessing the safety of a device that has been cleared for one use but is being frequently used for a different purpose in real - world practice.»
Well they all hang upside down, but a Brown University study of three species of bats in the journal Experimental Biology found at least two completely different methods of landing in that upside down position.
To carry out the study, the team visualised a number of motors from different species of bacteria using a variant of a method called cryo - election microscopy, whose pioneers were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry this year.
«We also wanted to discover the best method for collecting methadone particles in the exhaled breath, so our study compared two different sampling methods — electret filtration, and impaction.»
Sharma had developed a new method for studying how tumors with different characteristics respond to different immunotherapies: She would treat patients before their growths were surgically removed, then analyze the tissue in her lab.
Two studies agree on a figure of around 250 times the mass of the Sun, though another, using a different method, arrives at a figure of around 1600 solar masses.
«Wherever sexual harassment studies have been conducted across medicine, the military, [college] campuses, the numbers are coming back pretty high and consistent with the numbers in our study,» Hinde said, «and these are studies that use different kinds of methods to access this information.»
Diamond acknowledges that many other factors are involved in the long history of this island but that the comparative method, he writes, consists of comparing — preferably quantitatively and aided by statistical analyses — different systems that are similar in many respects but that differ with respect to the factors whose influence one wishes to study.
Henry's successes in capturing the atomic vibrations of glass was due to the development of a new way of studying the dynamics of phonons, which he'd created with with Wei Lv, a doctoral student in his lab, Known as Green - Kubo Modal Analysis (GKMA), the new method uses molecular dynamics simulations to more accurately calculate the contributions different modes of vibration make to the heat conduction.
The study calls for better methods of detecting different types of wetlands and methane release rates between flooded and drained areas.
The new reconstruction has been generated using two statistical methods, both different to that used in the original study.
«Different methods can give us different perspectives on what factors were at play, and that's what happened in these studies,» HoerlDifferent methods can give us different perspectives on what factors were at play, and that's what happened in these studies,» Hoerldifferent perspectives on what factors were at play, and that's what happened in these studies,» Hoerling said.
The group of Majed Chergui at EPFL, along with national and international colleagues, have shed light on this long - standing question by using a combination of cutting - edge experimental methods: steady - state angle - resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), which maps the energetics of the electrons along the different axis in the solid; spectroscopic ellipsometry, which determines the optical properties of the solid with high accuracy; and ultrafast two - dimensional deep - ultraviolet spectroscopy, used for the first time in the study of materials, along with state - of - the - art first - principles theoretical tools.
Apart from the number of participants, the strengths of this study include the use of three different methods to achieve acurate measurement results: cerebrospinal fluid samples, the use of a so - called PET scanner, and genetic analysis.
Results for different genomic partitions, methods, and data types are consistent with or contradict clades in our TENT ExaML, TENT MP - EST *, and exon - only trees and previous studies of morphology (15), DNA - DNA hybridization (24), mitochondrial genes (14), and nuclear genes (17).
Instead, Basidiomycota brown rot fungi, use a non-enzymatic, chelator - mediated biocatalysis method that is «very different than that used by any other microorganism studied,» he says.
The Porto team used a different method to study a familiar exoplanet, 51 Pegasi b, which 20 years ago was the first exoplanet found orbiting a normal star.
The researchers determined that by addressing this study and improving the obstetric quality of care on weekends by different methods, such as expanded use of the hospitalist or laborist model, will be one important component of addressing this issue.
The study has shown that the bacteria helped to synthesize polymers on their own surfaces which not only were different from those made by conventional methods, but which retained a form of «structural memory» of that surface.
In a new project, it's a good idea to test different methods and we wanted to lay a good foundation for future studies, says researcher Eero Vesterinen from the University of Helsinki, who in his earlier research has specialised in the research of feeding biology, especially by applying molecular research methods based on DNA.
«In the long term, we'd also like to establish a repository of process models and case studies from different manufacturing sectors so that users of the standard can compare and contrast against their production methods,» Lyons said.
The two studies modelled hundreds of scenarios, looking at how the virus could spread person - to - person through different modes of contact, and the effect of various methods of mitigation.
«The results of our study are compelling because using two very different methods, they arrived at the same conclusion.
In the study, the researchers also tested the applicability of different methods for extracting DNA, and their results can be utilised in future research.
Lucina Uddin, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Miami, who was not part of the research team, said, «The combination of multiple neuroimaging modalities is a clear strength of the current study, and the authors are to be commended for undertaking the difficult task of trying to reconcile results from methods designed to tap different aspects of brain structure and function.
The study compared the main different ways of diagnosing C - Diff, including the two «gold - standard» methods: a cytotoxin assay, which looks for the presence of C - Diff toxin in faecal samples; and cytotoxigenic culture, which looks to see if there are bugs present in faecal samples that could possibly produce C - Diff toxin.
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