Sentences with phrase «different taught components»

The following shows the different teaching components of the Original and Advanced Science IDEAS models: Advanced Science IDEAS Model Graph.

Not exact matches

According to the President, out 24,000 applicants that applied for the empowerment programme in Osun, over 10,000 unemployed youths -LRB-(both on graduate and non-graduate components) had been successfully engaged in Osun on different specified areas like teaching, agro-economic and health.
This activity not only teaches students about designing electronic systems using a system approach, but it also helps students to research different electronic components that they could use.
This entire year I have learned so much about the increase of punitive punishment for mostly students of color, the statistics that show 80 percent of students are taught by white educators while their classes are filled with students who have entirely different identities, fact - based knowledge about the brain, trauma, and so many other components of the educational system that need to be unpacked.
Giggle FactsTM teaches students to break down larger numbers into their smaller components (tens and ones) through 2 different strategies.
As many of you know, principals throughout many districts throughout the US, as per the Danielson Framework, use a four - point rating scale to rate teachers on 22 teaching components meant to measure four different dimensions or «constructs» of teaching.
An essential component of any bird owner's routine, behavior training is teaching the proper behavioral expectations of your bird for many different scenarios including trips to the veterinarian, travel and vacation, change of sceneries, interaction with other bird lovers and handlers, etc..
This is for the reason that the candidate needs to understand several different connotation's that are used behind numerous teaching components and the procedures that are essentially employed in the pharmaceutical, medical laboratory, medical and analytical procedures.
During my training and certification, I have been taught the different protocols that need to be followed to prepare and process samples and issue blood and blood components.
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