Sentences with phrase «different than drinking»

This is little different than drinking a soda or eating your favorite candy bar.
I encourage you to try it in baking... it's much different than drinking it straight.
No different than drinking whiskey.
To me, this fellow is no different than a drunk at a bar expressing his opinion, since I can't understand how he comes to his conclusions.

Not exact matches

Rather than puzzle over soft drink sizes, many consumers simply pick a size and stick with it, ordering a medium or a large at every restaurant even though these words have different meanings depending on the establishment.
The freezes will be served in 16 - ounce cups, notably different than those for nonalcoholic drinks, with one shot of rum, vodka or tequila.
They can also integrate things like parking, popcorn and drinks with your purchase so that users can book an entire experience rather than having several different touch points for each of these that increases the friction in the user experience.»
When it comes to the beverage sector, choosing which company to buy isn't much different than choosing a brand to drink: it comes down to preference.
«But for the Grace of God» simply reminds us that we're not different or better than the next drunk — just luckier.
He is no different than Jim Jones who tricked his congregatioini into moving to Jones Town and then making them commit suicide from drinking poison.
Sick, creepy, and absolutely no different than Thugs that drank the blood of the fallen for their Prana, or cannibals in Borneo consuming the spirits of their enemies by eating the dead.
The fine print: Eating and drinking cannabis can have a completely different effect on your body than smoking it.
And culinary coconut milk is different than cartoned drinking coconut milk
The lower levels of baseline sugar sweetened drink consumption in the UK compared with the US may in part explain why the effect on obesity that we estimate in the UK is much less than that estimated in the US.12 The differences with respect to other modelling studies may also be partly explained by their use of higher own price elasticity values for sugar sweetened drinks than we have calculated and used here.18 22 52 We can not make direct comparisons between the results of our study and the results of recent studies of the effect of reducing sugar sweetened drink consumption on body weight in children, 5 7 as the relation between energy balance and change in body mass index in children who are growing is different from that in adults.
I drink coffee all the time... The dough typically used for baklava is filo dough, which is a bit different than puff pastry since it is typically very thin sheets of dough with butter between the sheets, instead folded into the dough itself like puff pastry, but this would certainly work beautifully!
There is literally nothing in the world that's better than combining different types of citrus segments in a bowl, tossing with a pinch of salt, eating the fruit, and drinking the juice that's left over.
Thanks for sharing your feedback with the different greens - there's nothing worse than a lumpy green drink!
With more than 35 years of experience, we have great knowledge about the food & drink industry, manufacturing processes, different needs and challenges you might face.
I've opted to use two different types of fermented dairy drinks, rather than juice (which is often a part of Bircher Muesli) to get a more diverse live culture strain in the oats.
More than 100 industry professionals from all different sections of the food and drinks sector gathered recently in central London to hear how leading companies are driving sustainability down their supply chains.
It is no different than a wrestler, or boxer, or anyone in a sport that involves weight classes, dehydrating to make weight and then immediately after weigh - in, drinking back the weight.
You might want to use a different color sippy cup for bath play than the ones you'll be using for drinking.
It's different than just making more breast milk than your baby can drink.
If you determine that he threw his cup because the straw was clogged, for example, you might assess a different outcome or have a different conversation than if he threw it because he didn't want milk for a drink.
However, formula does have a different taste and texture than the breast milk your child is used to drinking.
Drinking milk from the breast requires a baby to use a different technique than sucking it from a bottle.
Just try not to drink at the same time or you might end up with something completely different than what I am going to show you!
Some studies have concluded that breastfed babies have stronger immune systems, decreased risks of developing ear infections and diarrhea, lower infant mortality rates, enhanced neurological development, better oral health (due to a different suckling motion than drinking from a bottle).
Drinking from a bottle is more physiologically stressful than nursing, and requires a whole different set of actions.
Merely selling the same product at different prices depending on how much you take where is nothing new; a bottle of soft drink in the supermarket is cheaper than a smaller glass of the same drink in a restaurant.
This may also mean that a different group of women is getting involved in early heavy alcohol use than used to be the case; in other words, when heavy drinking occurs more frequently and tends to become the norm, women do not need to have some aberrant personal characteristic to become an early heavy user of alcohol.
«In this study, we have a narrow focus on diabetes only,» wrote Tolstrup, «but since alcohol is related to more than 50 different diseases and conditions — reflecting that alcohol affects virtually every organ system of the body — any recommendations about how to drink and how much to drink should not be inferred from this study or any study investigating associations between alcohol and a single outcome.»
People who drink in moderation «look systematically different than those who... either binge drink or don't drink,» says Dr. Karlamangla, who has researched alcohol consumption and disability but was not involved in the new study.
As for how effective these liquid lifelines can be, they're not all that different than simply drinking fluids or taking an NSAID like ibuprofen.
The glass of drinking glasses, window glass, and other household items (i.e., decorative picture frames, lampshade glass) not only contains additives and chemicals that have a different melting point than glass bottles and jars, but it is very likely to break when placed in the blue bin and transported, so it is not recyclable.
The EPA has determined that C8 contaminated the drinking water for more than 6.5 million people in 27 different states.
Making a smoothie you absolutely hate is probably more likely to discourage you from drinking them than to encourage you to try a different recipe.
Yet, on every can of energy drink you'll find a company statement saying that energy drinks are completely safe and that the effect is no different than that of a cup of coffee or soda.
As far as your body is concerned, drinking one can of cola is no different than pouring 9 or 10 teaspoons of sugar into a glass of water and drinking it.
Drinking wine has been associated with people considered cultured and research shows that wine drinkers have higher IQs than that of people who drink different alcoholic beverages.
Dr. Davis even states: «Aside from some extra fiber, eating two slices of whole wheat bread is really little different, and often worse, than drinking a can of sugar - sweetened soda or eating a sugary candy bar.»
We all have different triggers and foods or drinks that delight us more than others.
I'm not drinking coffee because I'm doing an elimination diet to figure out E's eczema (long story — for a different day), and weeks like this one where he is getting 4 new teeth at once cause me to feel less than chipper in the morning.
Drinking your own placenta is really not much different than eating a raw steak, liver, sushi (raw fish flesh) or raw or cooked eggs, for that matter.
Mate is more than just a drink for us; it is a part of our lives in so many different ways that without it, life is just not the same.
Drinking a 200 - calorie soda will have a very different affect on your body's hormones than eating a 200 - calorie slice of steak.
Matcha, which literally translates to «powdered tea,» is different than the bagged tea you usually drink because instead of just steeping the leaves and then throwing them out, you're actually ingesting powder made from the leaves.
Heavenly Almond Milk With Vanilla Bean and Dates Homemade almond milk is an entirely different drink than the store - bought stuff — it's just so much better.
I know there are a lot of detoxes out there promising to be a miracle cure, but the 5 - Day Detox for Beginners is different because it focuses on introducing lots of healthy, nutrient dense foods into your diet rather than restricting you to a few foods and drinks.
Another limitation, according to Dr. Ellison, is that the study contains no information on the role a woman's drinking patterns might have played — whether, for instance, a glass of wine each day had a different effect than downing several drinks once or twice a week.
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