Sentences with phrase «different than placing»

It is different than placing an emoji you will have to move your camera in different angles to capture the effect.

Not exact matches

Facebook on Wednesday said it's moving to untangle its often bewildering array of privacy options, consolidating choices in one place on mobile devices, rather than sending users to some 20 different screens.
All of that will have to take place under a different matrix than the norm for the profession as the investing world itself faces new challenges.
There isn't much about the new text that's radically different than the initial proposal the FCC released in late April — it still aims to reverse the Title II classification that gives the agency broad authority over internet service providers, and still questions whether rules that ban those ISPs from slowing down or speeding up certain sites for payment are even necessary in the first place.
His holding company, Icahn Enterprises, placed representatives on the boards of seven different corporations over the course of the year, more than any other year in its history.
«Canada is in a very different place than the U.S. at this point in the cycle,» she says.
Shanghai is a vastly different market than the Hong Kong exchange, where most foreign trading of Chinese stocks has taken place to date.
It's different than forcing a phone company to place a wiretap or making an Internet company hand over emails.
For more than seven years, Jill Angelone moved her way up in various different inside sales and account management roles within AT&T, bringing in deals that placed her among the top sales managers in the country, had her overseeing a $ 300 million account with Apple, and more.
Y Combinator is certainly not the first to study basic income, and since it's just starting a pilot, we don't yet know how its work will lead to new or different findings than those uncovered by experiments in other places and times, such as those in Canada, the U.S., and India.
This could manifest itself in several different ways, but a key point is to rent out rather than sell the high - tax state property and buy a place in a lower - tax place outright, and give it a year first.
Rather than the place she left, she finds it different than she remembers.
Needless to say, the world is a much different place than it was in 1887.
With a community of more than 2 billion people, all around the world, in every different country, where there are wildly different social and cultural norms, it's just not clear to me that us sitting in an office here in California are best placed to always determine what the policies should be for people all around the world.
«[The album title] is us making a statement we never went anywhere, we were just in a different place, and now we're back stronger than we were before.»
While creating the ad, don't forget to pick the option «Messenger Home» in Ad Preview to see the real preview because ad placed in the Messenger looks a little bit different than in News Feed.
There are many different places you can stick your money other than under your pillow, including stocks, bonds, savings, mutual funds, CD, currencies, commodities, and of course, real estate.
The United States is in a different place today than it was three decades ago, many say.
Perhaps your prospects are now at a different place in their purchasing cycle than they were a year ago.
With CEO Mark Zuckerberg now poised to address the uproar on Capitol Hill, Facebook said Wednesday that it's redesigning the settings menu on mobile devices, consolidating privacy options in one place, rather than sending users to some 20 different screens.
More than 50 million workers are active participants in their employers» 401 (k) plans, with over half a million different company plans in place.
Downtown Edmonton (what I describe as the area between 100 Street and 124 Street) is a drastically different place than it was ten years ago.
Lately, he's placed his bets on gold as well, but for different reasons than the above managers.
If companies have not adapted their businesses to enhanced online and social capabilities, they may very well be placing artificial barriers in front of their buyers who are seeking an entirely different straight re-buy or modified re-buy experience than in the past.
The number of pedophiles in the rcc may not be much different than in the general population, but it appears that the number of priests, or others in authority, that place the safety and future of children above their cult is very low, if not zero, given that not a single «whistle blower» from within the rcc has come forward, to my knowledge.
If it changes your faith... then either you are looking at it in a different way than I do, or you place too much stock in who gets into heaven and who goes to hell.
Misery, sorrow, poverty, loneliness, helplessness, and guilt mean something different in the eyes of God than according to human judgment; that God turns toward the very places from which humans turn away; that Christ was born in a stable because there was no room for him in the inn — a prisoner grasps this better than others.
Jesus was born in Nazareth, a middle eastern place, and a Jew, therefore he probably looked no different than any Jew from New York.
But it's an entirely different thing if you completely ignore the Science and place you faith in a 2,000 year old book and you believe that book has more science in it than a modern science book.
To place an arbitrary cap on the regression and call it «God» is no different than calling it a «singularity».
Knowing that God placed the desire in us not just for Him, but also for community and relationships should give us hope that when we fulfill those desires, they are actually from Him, and sometimes that may look different than we originally imagined.
As we were talking Sunday, one such participant confessed that The Mission had helped her soften towards those who had hurt her in the past, that she felt more prepared to worship alongside those whose faith looks different than her own because The Mission had provided a place of rest in which she could be herself.
If the totality of reality is far more complex than we have ever recognized, then it may be that profound human experience in different times and places has brought to light many of the important patterns that are to be found within it.
Although we occupy a different time and place than our friend Chaucer, we are a people no less laughable and in need of grace than his pilgrims.
These changes also place the church as an institution in a different power relationship to the culture than it has previously held since Constantinian times.
Yet the decisiveness of the act is partially a function of God's activity, which is in one sense different here than in other places, for the particular ideal aim given here is such as to give particularly apt expression to his being.
The practical effect of his ruling is that it leaves Obamacare's mandate and penalty scheme in place but under a different name, but it is worse than that.
Given many entities, perceived en masse rather than individually, each entity of course in a slightly different place, the mass of entities will appear as extended, and indeed will be extended.
My conclusion here will be that if there were a God and if he were viewed as having the power to influence events at this level at all, then we would have to conclude that the world ought to be a very different place than it in fact is.
I suspect he will end up in a different place than Billy Graham and don't think he has any qualifications in the Christian community.
Finding opportunities to work with other churches — and particularly churches whose congregations are vastly different than our own — might be a good place to start.
What an awesome God we serve, and if the shepherds in the field understood what it meant to pray and seek God for what He sets in their heart, and to allow God to fulfill what He sets in their heart, God's sheep would be witnesses unto God, and Christ would be with man, and this world be a much different place than it is.
And arguably sure, especially suburban settings with persons living alone or in small numbers are somewhat different than in other times and places.
while breifly going thru this artical it was makeing my stomach turn, this is just what the devil wants is for doubt and confusion, christianity is growing stronger than ever, souls are being saved and lives are changing every day, and do nt for one minute think any different, or try tp put christians down, why would we loose faith, god answers our prayers everyday, think what you want and do what you do, but do nt try to put things in other people's opinion or minds, jesus died for our sins, so that we can have better lives and be forgiven for our sins here on earth and move on to a beter place, becouse souls do nt die «read the bible, if you do nt understand it, find a church that can help you learn a better way of life, I pray for everyone out there that does nt know jesus christ as ther savior to accept what he has to offer to you «love forgiveness and ever lasting life «Christians» stay strong and [ass the word of god on and share all your tedtimonies in life» god bless everyone»»
I feel drawn to the phrase, the theology of place, because it was so different than most of what we had been taught in the Evangelical Hero Complex.
It should be a place we choose to attend based on the discomfort of having to interact with people who are different than us in some way, whether it be culture, language or something else.
I was naive to think that the community was any different than any other place.
The world isn't a worse place because people with beliefs different than mine exist.
I would LOVE for one person to explain how this billboard is in any way different than the 10,000 pro-jesus billboards all over the place.
The clearest summary of this is, I think, to be found in SMW 215; here, Whitehead says anything is «otherwise than what it would have been if placed elsewhere,» i.e., if in a different environment.
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