Sentences with phrase «different than the rest of the world»

We had been fed a steady diet for years that we were meant to change the world, to be heroes, to be different than the rest of the world, to be radical, to prepare only for the mountaintop!
If you live in the United States, your Super Nintendo mini will look a bit different than the rest of the world's.
Maybe Law is different than the rest of the world, maybe only BigLaw can do all this important stuff, and we'll just have to suck it up when we get those sphincter - puckering bills.

Not exact matches

Then why do I, a man that has been inside a few churches in his lifetimes solely for the purpose of absorbing the lovely architecture of lovely buildings across the globe in different societies, know more about world religion than you do and the rest of your flock?
I know that you may be sheltered from how the rest of the world speaks, but you might as well be dismissing people because they speak with a different accent than you do.
As a follower of Jesus Christ, we are to live on a whole different plane than the rest of the world.
India has different climate and hence different needs than rest of world.
You are connected to them on a different level than the rest of the world.
It is working for us, but that could change at any point, and would likely be different if I was not lucky enough to be taking an extended maternity leave (which is still much shorter than what you lucky folks in Canada and the rest of the world get...)
The interconnected world of the «net gives EVERYONE the potential to find someone to see or hear what we do — a very different situation than what we're used to, since for the last century or two (since the rise of mass - distribution publications such as newspapers and magazines and ultimately television), we've lived in a top - driven media world that annoints certain people as «stars,» to be held up above all of the rest of us.
I referred to tax - funded benefits in my question, but this does not provide an answer to why the US draw different conclusions from this than the rest of the world (who also provide such benefits to expats, even if they don't pay taxes on foreign income).
One of the things I mentioned in my first article was that the often - hidebound university system can work at a dramatically different pace than industry and the rest of the «real world
«Dating spots» are no different here than what one finds in the rest of the world.
Seeing Milk, I believe, might be a little different for me, as a California resident, than for the rest of the world.
(Suzy's glance - to - camera in the final shot — a shot with a completely different grammar and language than the rest of the film — suggests that our characters are headed for a very different world in the months and years to come; it also suggests Anderson might be looking for new worlds to conquer.)
Totally different demographics than the rest of the world.
This tour allows you to experience exotic Buddhist culture in the Himalayas, visit the world's highest mountains including mount Everest and see the world that is so different and unique than the rest of the world.
It's easy to learn the language, but it's not so easy to learn psychology or work habits, which have always been very different in Italy than the rest of the world.
You are clearly using a different definition of «obvious» than the rest of the world.
First, there is scant evidence that the future negative effects of climate change on the U.S. will be markedly different than from the rest of the world.
More workers are moving their careers to different parts of the world than ever before and companies are increasingly recognizing the inherent benefits in hiring executives with different backgrounds than the rest of their workforce.
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