Sentences with phrase «different tongue movements»

This doesn't mean your baby doesn't like the food it just means they need to try different tongue movements to find out how to move the food to the back of the mouth.

Not exact matches

Sucking from a bottle nib requires different movements of the mouth and tongue than sucking from a breast.
Bottles require different tongue and jaw movements than breastfeeding and may make it more difficult for baby to learn to breastfeed.
Ultrasound studies have shown that the tongue movements used by tongue - tied babies are qualitatively different from those used by by babies who are not tongue - tied.
Sucking milk from a bottle requires different mouth and tongue movements than breastfeeding, so it may take your baby a little time to get used to the change.
A baby's jaw, tongue, and mouth movements when sucking on these are different and if your baby uses the same action at the breast this can cause nipple soreness.
And when the babies used a different teether that did not block tongue movement, they once again appeared to comprehend the difference between the Ds.
The sets of neurons that control movement of the tongue, lips and vocal cords fired in different combinations as the volunteers pronounced each sound.
They may have had difficulties in managing solids for example (which require different movements of the tongue and palate to breast or bottle feeding).
Different sounds of speech are made by precisely positioning the lips, tongue, soft palate (the «roof» of the mouth), teeth and cheeks by rapid movements of small muscles.
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