Sentences with phrase «different truths»

There is some heart to be had in this section as different truths about these characters get introduced into the mix.
One look at these comments shows a very different truth.
I don't say «the truth» because I believe there are many different truths.
Augustine understood that the self «grasps different truths in different ways at different points, insofar as we are able.»
The thing is, the «true Brazilian deal» is actually a sum of several different truths on how to season, cook and eat the churrasco.
The terrific movie I Tonya, nominated for three Oscars this year, doesn't strive to tell the truth so much as to explore different truths.
When a man is murdered and his wife raped, four people give differing accounts of the events, showing how different the truth can be depending on the vantage point of the viewer.
Both statements are true, but both statements are saying different truths about Jesus.
This struggle to reconcile different truths runs through Schrader's entire filmography, and First Reformed undergoes the same process of thinking and questioning as its lead character and narrator.
Her aerial landscape photographs are visually captivating, but look closer and you'll see that behind the serene, watercolor - like bleeds of color lies a very different truth.
Interestingly, the terrific movie I Tonya, nominated for three Oscars this year, doesn't strive to tell the truth so much as to explore different truths.
The massive documentation assembled by Solzhenitsyn bore witness to a different truth.
This emotional intensity of internecine quarrels often makes it hard to hear the different truth being stated there, whereas Buddhists and Christians in their dialogue with one another are often eager to be taught.
We can never see every aspect of a thing, nor know how it would respond in every conceivable circumstance; yet without knowing those responses, we do not know all the different truths they would disclose.
If, however, we look in the context, we see a different truth emerge.
Our culture nurtures us in different truths and tempts us with other disclosures, but the blind beggar shows us that there is only one way to life.
It requires the tolerance of «different truths,» or, more accurately, different claims to the truth.
we tend to always make the players not playing into heroes thinking if they played things would of been different the truth is most of our players are simmilar to each other the issue is deeper than individual players its to do with the system were playing in and the balance
Although for the past century and a half we've all believed that microbes were our enemy, our new understanding of the microbiome reveals quite a different truth.
As the night passes on, different truths are revealed and frustrations come to light, but this group of strangers realizes the wedding may just what they needed after all.
Both films» protagonists share optimistic and resilient qualities, and Frances coincidentally takes a brief trip to Paris, but the portrait of Paula hits on some different truths that the other film does not.
But they were too young and too destructive.Raven thought they would always be friends, yet Liam knew a different truth.
Everyone's standpoint holds a different truth that is no more right or wrong than the next person.
Using the emblem as a commentary on identity, Hammons» African - American Flag reflects the complications of the time we live in, and prompts a unique way of visualizing the different truths we each experience.
With their direct and blunt ideas of the different truths of reality the artist and the four female artists allow the spectator insights into the individual and collective consequences of the political and social upheavals of their country — in place of all the countries, whose histories run a similar course.
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