Sentences with phrase «different types of intelligence»

In «Reevaluating Intelligence,» Gardner argues that different periods in history have shown biases towards different types of intelligence, and that this bias will continue to shift with time.
With wit and heart, de Waal uses examples from decades of his own research as well as others» work to make the case for different types of intelligence in all corners of the animal kingdom.
The basic idea behind multiple intelligence activities is that people learn using different types of intelligences.
Simply put, Dr. Gardner posits that people employ several different types of intelligence, rather than one general type.
Video of Wise Up, America In «Reevaluating Intelligence,» Gardner argues that different periods in history have shown biases towards different types of intelligence, and that this bias will continue to shift with time.
It does, however, require that salespeople develop two different types of intelligence.
Howard Gardner, a Harvard researcher, has determined 8 different types of intelligences, or ways in which people learn and understand things.
You learned about the eight different types of intelligence's that guide the way we learn and process information.
You learned about the eight different types of intelligences that guide the way we learn and process information.
Now that you can see these eight different types of intelligence, you can begin to adjust your teaching / tutoring methods to match your learner's (or learners») strengths.
That is a different type of intelligence.
A coherent structure is both given and described by the author in relation to how teachers can motivate learners, help increase self - esteem within students and how one can access and teach to different types of intelligence.
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