Sentences with phrase «differently than brain»

Brain tumors in children appear in different locations and behave differently than brain tumors in adults.
By examining gene expression patterns, the new study found that parrot brains are structured differently than the brains of songbirds and hummingbirds, which also exhibit vocal learning.

Not exact matches

And are the brains of innovative individuals structurally or functionally different from other people's — that is, are they larger than average, do their synapses operate differently, or is their wiring denser or perhaps more sparse but faster?
Plus, brain scans indicate that people who lost weight and kept it off for nine months reacted differently when shown images of high - calorie foods than before they lost the weight.
He said the brain behaves differently during an act of generosity than it does during a hedonistic activity.
It may be true that the substance in question (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc) are handled differently in the brain than other non-addicts but so what?
This I can not square away — however, I look at the gay issue much differently than most — I think it's much to complicated and we are jumping the gun by saying we just accept gay marriage — or it's an evil sin — what about the science that says testosterone starts forming around the babies brain when they are only 8 weeks into the womb?
Your child's brain works differently than 95 % of his peers.
A study published in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience suggests that fathers» brains respond differently to their daughters than to their sons.
Let your child know that «retarded» is not a nice word and say, «His brain works differently, so he has a harder time talking and learning than you do.
Further study revealed that these so - called immune proteins are actually present on the surface of certain nerve cells, but that they functioned differently in the brain than they did in the rest of the body; rather than scouting for germs, they influenced signals sent between neurons.
«We hypothesized that music would be processed in the brain differently than silence.
Human scent affects our brain differently than other scents.
Cognitive scientists have found more evidence that aging brains work differently than younger brains when performing the same memory task, pointing to a potentially new direction for age - related cognitive care and exploration.
«Fathers» brains respond differently to daughters than sons: Daily interactions with toddlers may be influenced by gender, research finds.»
The study couldn't determine if those different brain responses meant fathers are somehow hard wired through genetics or evolution to treat sons differently than they treat daughters or if the fathers were conforming to societal norms relating to gender.
Suspecting that the disease works differently in humans, whose brains are much bigger and more complex than those of lab animals, Brivanlou, along with research associates Albert Ruzo and Gist Croft, developed a cell - based human system for their research.
This is trickier than it sounds, because light behaves differently in water and air, and the butterflyfish's brain has an extra cluster of neurons to process the extra information.
They therefore investigated whether women's brains work differently than men's and whether this difference is modulated by psychological (male or female traits) or endocrinological (hormonal variations) factors.
Firstly, the brains of pathological gamblers respond differently to this stimulation than the brains of healthy volunteers.
Researchers from Hiroki Taniguchi's lab at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) published a study in eNeuro in May 2017 showing for the first time that a unique type of inhibitory interneuron called chandelier cells — which are implicated in several diseases affecting the brain such as schizophrenia and epilepsy — seem to develop their connections differently than other types of neurons.
What most interested the researchers, though, was that the MEG recordings clearly showed the participants» brains handled the sound source (clap versus pole versus ball) task differently than the room size task.
In a 2014 study in rats, researchers at the University of California found that the neurons in a brain region associated with spatial learning behaved completely differently in virtual environments compared to in real ones, with more than half of the neurons shutting down while in VR.
A University of Iowa study has found twitches made during sleep activate the brains of mammals differently than movements made while awake.
Diffusion tensor images like this one (rendered differently than the previous image) can reveal how a brain tumor has affected neuron connections or can help guide brain surgery.
For more than three decades evolutionary psychologists have advanced a simple theory of human sexuality: because men invest less reproductive effort in sperm than women do in eggs, men's and women's brains have been shaped differently by evolution.
Studies also have found that traditional acupuncture works differently than sham acupuncture in the brain.
At autopsy, we would've used our brains over our lifetime very differently than our ancestors, and just as a weightlifter has different muscles at autopsy than a swimmer, probably the analytic portions of your brain are enlarged compared to your ancestors while the rote memory portions are not.
The size of the otoferlin molecule and its low solubility have made it difficult to study, including how otoferlin works differently than another neuronal calcium sensor in the brain, synaptotagmin.
This suggests that the brain in individuals with a complete severing of the spinal cord represents the foot differently than is the case with individuals whose brain still receives information from the lower extremities.
Ketamine interacts with NMDA receptors in the brain, meaning it works differently than conventional antidepressant medications that influence serotonin.
The distinction is important, researchers say, because it suggests that the brains of high - psychopathic individuals may function differently than others.
These results offer clues to how the brain changes as the brain and body experience the world differently than when just standing up.
Calcium from food appears to affect the brain differently than calcium from supplements, Kern explained, and appears to be safe or even protective.
If a drug increases levels of dopamine, say, and you have a gene that causes a chain reaction that leaves more dopamine swimming about in your brain, the drug is going to affect you differently than it would someone whose genes make dopamine less available to them.
The study findings may be about more than just bragging rights, however: Researchers say they may shed light on how male and female brains age differently, and why women are at higher risk for Alzheimer's disease.
than men, but no one can deny that our brains simply work differently, so you can't expect women to take intelligence tests geared towards men and perform in the same way.
«Women are squirming in their seats after five seconds, but men's brains are designed differently than our's.»
There, he reads publications detailing how the brain processes music differently than other forms of stimuli.
A brain that has watched a lot of television or played a lot of Nintendo is going to be differently constructed than a brain that spent the same amount of time reading or engaging in active play.
The idea is to organize them differently each time so that your student can make more than one connection in his brain for the information.
Let's face it, our children are greatly influenced by multimedia and their brains process information differently than when we did years ago.
Years ago, when females lagged behind males in math, some experts asserted that females» brains were structured differently than males, which limited their ability to learn math.
There are a small population of students with brains that are wired differently or minds that are on a different developmental timetable than the mainstream student body.
How do our brains respond differently to onscreen text than to words on paper?
Tumors that have spread to the brain (called metastatic brain cancer) are treated differently, and have different prognosis than the more common types of brain tumors.
Secondly, their eyes connect to their brains differently than ours, which makes them more sensitive to movement.
Of course, some fetal or early brain damage results in deficits that affect functions other than motor control, and so they can get classified differently.
It only means that their temperament and brain works differently than yours.
Plus, research tells us that when children are exposed to low conflict, high harmony households their brains develop differently than children exposed to a lot of conflict.
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