Sentences with phrase «differently than the year»

You are a different age, have trained slightly or dramatically differently than the year before, and may be competing in different events.

Not exact matches

Someone twenty years older or younger than you may have lived as differently from you as anyone from any other culture.
The trial was one of three scheduled for the first half of this year over claims that Volkswagen deceived customers with the deliberate rigging of emissions controls to perform differently when being tested than they do on the road.
We shop differently, we cook differently, and we eat differently today than we did five years ago.
When I think about investing vs debt, I tend to think about the Roth a bit differently than other platforms only because elapsed time is not something you can make up (both in the sense that you can not make up for lost investment time AND the fact that $ 5,500 today is worth less than that $ 5,500 was worth one year ago).
As the Los Angeles Times reports, the Girl Scouts of America actually employ two different bakers — ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers — to crank out the more than 200 million boxes of Girl Scout cookies the Americans eat each year — and the cookies they make look differently, taste differently and, in some cases, even have different names.
You would obviously try to sell to a 45 - year - old single mom from Iowa differently than you would a 25 - year - old single professional male from New York City and your ads need to reflect this.
Things are just more expensive in general than they were years ago, or viewed differently, the dollar in your pocket can purchase fewer goods than you could in the past.
Southwest won't have technological tools to boost revenue from scheduling flights differently and sources other than fares until next year, when a new reservation system is in place.
But coming out of the internet bubble, Book - to - Price has started behaving differently than other valuation ratios, degrading to the point where for the last twenty years it has had almost no discernible benefit on stock selection.
I mention this because I know you have read Chambers over the years but we do think a bit differently now than they did in the early 1900's.
By now, those of you who have known me for many years may have noticed that I think a bit differently than I used to.
A traumatic experience I may have had thirty years ago I interpret differently than I did ten years ago.
Those of us in the Neighborhood hear Berry's words differently now than we did 12 years ago.
Yet 46 % of Americans still think the earth is less than 10,000 years old, because they think «bible tells them so» even though merely reinterpreting a chapter or two of the bible differently permits the two beliefs to co-exist.
But the problem is that after ten years, I'm getting tired of trying to convince fellow Christians that I am, in fact, a Christian, even though I may vote a little differently than they vote, interpret the Bible differently than they interpret it, engage with science a little differently than they engage with it, and understand sovereignty and choice a little differently than they understand those things.
No words were spoken to me; my soul seemed to see my Saviour in the spirit, and from that hour to this, nearly nine years now, there has never been in my life one doubt that the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father both worked upon me that afternoon in July, both differently, and both in the most perfect love conceivable, and I rejoiced there and then in a conversion so astounding that the whole village heard of it in less than twenty - four hours.
Once you accepted that there's a magical being in the sky who made the world less than 10k years ago and committed genocide once because he didn't like what his creation was doing, it's not a great leap to accept that people who think or act differently than you are abominations.
What are we, as a part of the body of Christ, doing differently than we did last year to improve our relationships?
It is unfortunate that CNN chose to address the New Year with predictions from a religious perspective, thus attracting any number of religious bigots to attack anyone who believes differently than they do.
Today, he would tell you that he would preach and teach and lead much differently now than he did ten years ago, but the content of many of his sermons stay with me still.
I eat so differently than I did two years ago.
No wonder AVB said what he said abt other managers and teams treated differently to him — when his team only has 1 point less than this years title contenders MUtd.
During the past 50 years, I can't tell you how often a mother or father has come up to me at an LLL gathering and admitted that as a result of being in La Leche League, they were parenting their children so differently than they had originally expected to and so differently from the way they had been brought up.
What career could EVER be more important to our future & society, than a stay at home Mom, properly raising our children??? I have been a stay at home Mom for 27 years with 3 children, & wouldn't ever done differently!
A few years ago, I would have responded to this differently than I do now.
«I have never once wished that my parents were not gay, or that there were not three of them,» writes 15 - year - old Hannah Sage Firestone, «or that they had arranged their lives any differently than they have.»
So a 2 - year - old child is going to behave differently when hungry or tired or unwell or sad or angry or scared or overstimulated or bored or happy than a 6 year old or an 8 year old or an 11 year old.
We unload our bags, car seat and stroller from the car at the airport drop - off, pop the car seat into the stroller, and make our way to the check in counter not much differently than we have for the previous 6 years
Cuomo wants to approach the topic differently than the gun control laws approved two years ago, which were hastily written and passed early in January.
Governor Cuomo, wants to approach the topic differently than the gun control laws approved two years ago, which were hastily written and passed early in January.
State Sen. Pat Gallivan, a Republican from Elma, says such a broad proposal may not be necessary because New York state usually treats 16 - and 17 - year - old defendants differently than adults.
Do you see any way of managing the city's funds differently than the way they've been managed the last seven years?
Two percent of the 122,000 surveyed children scored at an advanced level, no differently than two years earlier.
The bottom line, according to Graven, Ralph Keeling and colleagues, is that Northern ecosystems appear to be behaving differently than they did 50 years ago.
A few years ago, scientists figured out why: the receptor that the virus uses to get into cells is shaped differently in a human nose than it is in a chicken egg.
I suspected that I had thyroid problems for years and finally found a doctor who specializes in the autoimmune version of the disease (which presents much differently than traditional thyroid problems).
So people who regularly meditate — and I've been meditating for more than 40 years — respond differently to stress than the average person.
That's because the Japanese were raised differently than you so they unknowingly have access to a diet secret that doctors and researchers have been missing out on for years...
And if you eat any processed food such as sugar and white flour, you are eating differently than anyone, in the history of human beings, has ever eaten, until about the last 100 years.
How to teach yourself to be creative and think differently about your workouts... This is what will keep you interested and motivated in your training, while everyone else is wondering why their body looks the same or worse than it did last year.
And do you find that you self - identify or see yourself differently than you did two, two and a half years ago in terms of your self - identity?
So many of my last 15 years have turned out differently than I had planned.
I did wear a bell sleeve top for one of my Christmas parties last year in this post, I am so glad that I am not afraid of trying new trends and that I decided to style today's bell sleeve top which is from Tobi, differently than the one I wore few weeks ago.
I went about prepping for my fall home tour this year a little differently than in past years.
This year, our Before & After series is going to run a little differently than in the past, so read on to learn the details of how you can participate.
And it undeniably plays differently in the wake of worker strikes today for «A Day Without Immigrants» and greater divides between the working class and the President of the United States than when the film premiered at Toronto last year (which is not meant as a political statement, just a fact, and not an alternative one).
It's a familiar trope — but do you think that in the current social climate this film will be received differently than it would have six months or a year ago?
However, six years later, my classroom runs very differently than it did when I started, particularly since I've moved to standards - based grading.
Teachers in that school would need to ask themselves «What did I do differently this year than last year
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