Sentences with phrase «differing etiology»

Plasma amino acid patterns in hepatic encephalopathy of differing etiology.

Not exact matches

Comparison of microbiome data from the alcohol model, BDL, CCl4, and an obesity model noted that there was no common liver disease microbiome, suggesting that the intestinal microbiome differs by etiology of liver disease.
Recent research suggests that the etiology of reading achievement can differ across environmental contexts.
PRA is one of the most commonly inherited disorders in pedigree dogs and although the various forms have been documented in over 100 breeds and exhibit similar clinical signs, the etiology, age of onset, and severity of the disease differ significantly between breeds [75].
Breed - specific compulsions have been reported in several breeds [13], and although different compulsions may overlap and share biological etiology, it is also possible that they are genetically different, differ in the affected brain regions, or that certain behaviours become more predominant depending on the characteristics and functional purpose of the breeds.
One of the explanations of the higher level of delinquency in males than in females is that the etiology of delinquency may differ for males and females.
The inclusion of paternal history of mental disorder is important given theory emphasizing the importance of fathers, as well as the potentially differing roles of mothers and fathers in the etiology of anxiety [25, 26].
Second, antisocial behavior apparently develops in at least two separate pathways — child - onset versus adolescent - onset — that differ markedly regarding types of antisocial behavior displayed, persistence, and perhaps etiology.
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