Sentences with phrase «differing nature»

Because of the historical particularities involved in each period and the differing nature of the struggle in each case, these uses of the word evangelical convey a different vision of Christian faith.
Here we encounter the differing natures of scientific and theological discourse, for while science is limited to what is observable, theology seeks to understand the whole.
Humans and felines are beasts of differing nature, so your cat will at times behave in a manner that seems perfectly reasonable to him or her, but unreasonable to you.
The new works represent a marked shift to make paintings with an unadorned immediacy where marks are permitted to fall as they may conjuring the question: «How do random elements of differing natures encounter, intersect and emulsify into relationships?»
Susan E. Hough, U.S. Geological Survey, on the differing nature of earthquake losses in different places:
Also some of David's impressions stem from the differing natures of the two events.
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