Sentences with phrase «differing political views»

I interviewed four top dating experts about discussing politics on dates and how to handle dating someone with differing political views.
Do you really want to lose your child because of differing political views?
In the statement, they say that they try and present a diverse and differing political views for all of its listeners to be able to hear.
«Despite differing political views, the American public seems united in both their appreciation and use of local park and recreation services,» said Mowen.
When one person walks in the Women's March wearing a pink hat, and the other is jumping for joy about the new tax reform, it's clear that talking about differing political views need to happen on the first date, if not sooner.
Elementary age kids are facing differing political views from classmates.
Even if you hold differing political views, religious affiliations, or preference s for top or bottom, there is something you can find to agree upon.
Given the widely differing political views among the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ®» 1.13 million members, Rice is seen by some as a controversial choice to keynote the 2009 Conference & Expo.
You discovered the filter bubble when you noticed people were getting different results for the same Google search and Facebook friends with differing political views were phased out of your feed.
After Republican Donald Trump's victory in the presidential race Tuesday, numerous media outlets are raising questions about whether hoax news played a notable role in the candidate's rise and in stoking sharp divisions among users of differing political views.
Unlike the previous government, the NDP has intentionally sought to bring together a group of people with diverse and differing political views and expertise to advise on the implementation of Alberta's Climate Change plans.
Differing political views, religious views (this is less common), or just different personalities can drive a wedge in your family ties.
Certainly we will have our differing political views on the best way to do that work.
We don't do protest songs as our differing political views might result in a mixed message, but we agree on the power of people making music whoever they are.
Although a majority of working Americans (60 percent) indicated that people at work are generally respectful toward others with differing political views, more than a quarter (26 percent) have witnessed or overheard their coworkers arguing about politics, and about 1 in 10 (11 percent) have gotten into an argument themselves.
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