Sentences with phrase «differing situations»

They arise typically in differing situations and serve differing functions in human life.
One family may have open adoption relationships in more than one box, based on differing situations with birth family members for each child.
One family may have open adoption relationships in more than one box, based on differing situations with birth family members for each child.
Who we are: Volunteers that take homeless animals from differing situations, provide appropriate vet care, and prepare them for adoption into a loving, lifelong home.
With Audi Drive Select fitted as standard, the Q7 offers different operating parameters for differing situations.
Something that requires detailed evidence, involves differing situations, and demands the weighing of testimony, falls far short of meeting the high burden of establishing a patent violation.»
Offering ability to determine priorities along with experience in fighting fires brought on by differing situations.
We recognize that law enforcement officers are frequently called on to make arrests without warrants and should not be held, so far as their personal security is concerned, to a nicety of distinctions between probable cause and lack of probable cause in differing situations of warrantless arrests.
This strategy, whilst having the positive effect of bringing LPAs into public consciousness, fails to identify the issues that need to be considered when making one and is only likely to lead to personal applications for basic LPAs which make no provision for differing situations and no advice has been taken on their merits.
In view of the current concept of the historicity of the self, it is not surprising that the most characteristic distinction between Jesus and Paul during recent years has been in terms of the differing situations in which they found themselves.
A person or an institution demonstrates integrity not only by choosing right from wrong in a concrete situation but by maintaining a «commitment to the pattern over a wide range of different actual and potential decisions, in differing situations, with differing consequences and levels of predictability of such consequences.
There are many more rescue societies that you can get in touch with, who may be more understanding of people's differing situations.
Hiring an expert can ensure that your resume is converted appropriately for each complex and differing situation.
But points 1 and 3 deal more specifically with one's power of observation, and thereafter, one's ability to learn from same and adjust one's behaviour accordingly, vs applying the same - old, same - old, one - size - fits - all conventionally - taught theories of collective manipulation tactics ostensibly to be applied to differing situations / circumstances.
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