Sentences with phrase «difficult feat»

The phrase "difficult feat" means it is hard or challenging to accomplish a particular task or achieve a goal. Full definition
It was a truly difficult feat in difficult terrain that went on day after day, week after week.
That ended up being a much more difficult feat than they realized.
He also pulls off an incredibly difficult feat, by enabling the audience to care about a markedly unpleasant central figure.
The purpose of the program was to accomplish a technically difficult feat a few times despite the enormous cost.
This also means that picking a single most important artist of the year was a particularly difficult feat as there are so many individuals with legitimate cases that make them viable candidates.
However, ensuring proper nutritional balance with homemade diets can be a highly difficult feat, especially for cats whose dietary needs vary greatly from our own.
While that sounds like a pretty simple task, the obstacles that await the player make for a pretty difficult feat.
While choosing the best dive sites is an incredibly difficult feat, here are our top picks to help you plan your next diving adventure.
Says Ben, «I love getting fit, feeling good about the way my body looks, and fulfilling my deep - seeded drive to live life to the fullest by achieving difficult feats of physical performance.
Animal Services tries very hard to find homes for all of these dogs, but the sheer volume of animals surrendered on a daily basis makes this a very difficult feat for them to do by themselves.
Even after years of battle, abolishing slavery is still a very difficult feat, and Lincoln uses every means possible to get the 13th Amendment passed.
No — such champion athletes have found a more intelligent way to make all their seemingly difficult feats much, much easier — easier than it is for all the others.
Serving also as the star and as co-writer (with his brother Adam), he has come up with a more mature work this time around — a not altogether difficult feat.
After all, moving out becomes an especially difficult feat if saddled with heaps of student debt.
The subtlety of tone mimics that of the photographic source, an extremely difficult feat in this medium.
By harnessing irrational law firm egotism to serve the rest of the profession, enormous clerkship bonuses achieve an impressive, increasingly difficult feat: getting top law firms to contribute to something other than their own bottom line.
They reward the most difficult feats; you'll have to not only participate in the community but be skilled, knowledgeable, and dedicated to earn these.
The method is at least as sensitive as PCR, Mirkin says, and more accurate — the team could also detect a change of a single letter in the DNA, a technically difficult feat for error - prone PCR.
One is its devotion to going fully driverless, a far more difficult feat.
And some visionary charter school leaders already see special education not merely as a political liability, which it is now more than ever, but as an opportunity to propel charters even further into the mainstream and to prove that charters can do special education better than the traditional public school system — unfortunately, that shouldn't be a very difficult feat.
This isn't a particularly difficult feat, but Story Mode is kind of long — you could rush through it in about 10 hours if you skipped every cutscene and optional fight, but I would imagine most players will take closer to 15 hours to get through the whole thing.
It is one of the most difficult sports because of how it is judged and thus, requires the skaters to maintain an inhuman elegance while performing incredibly difficult feats.
The president, who has repeatedly said he wants to accomplish the difficult feat of winning Democratic votes, joked about the minority party's support to Sen. Ron Wyden, D - Ore., the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee.
Scaling up, however, can be a difficult feat for small players in the industry, says Evan Armstrong, the president of Armstrong & Associates.
With eCommerce enabling global reach for most retailers, keeping track of all the moving parts can be a difficult feat.
Its shutdown adds to the overwhelming assumption that surviving in Silicon Valley, even if you've existed for a long time, is a difficult feat.
The company is expected to surpass $ 10 million in annual recurring revenue this year — a difficult feat for early - stage enterprise software companies — and is growing at a rate of $ 1 million in annual recurring revenue on a monthly basis, according to Mr. Butterfield.
Boyagoda, who teaches American Studies at Ryerson University in Toronto, has managed the difficult feat of producing a biography that is respectful, indeed sympathetic, but by no means hagiographic.
From time to time the large bed of coals was stirred, and occasionally they performed the difficult feat of turning over the entire ox, so that each side might be cooked at an equal rate of progress.
By now cooking the chicken should be no difficult feat; sear over direct heat and finish on indirect heat.
Stamford Bridge is Mourinho's stomping ground so it is always going to be a difficult feat there regardless of which team you are.
Winning on the road is a difficult feat to achieve and Arsenal should be accorded the respect and trust they deserve.
Achieving these results has been a difficult feat considering Truckee HS just opened up its new state of the art track and field facility a year ago.
As well, taking a paci away from a toddler is often a much more difficult feat than taking it away from a baby.
Although this may seem like quite a difficult feat to accomplish, it doesn't have to be!
She also admitted that the transition, with so many families currently in shelters, would be a difficult feat to pull off.
of winning back the UKIP voters for a once - again hegemonic Conservative party on something like 40 per cent support — a difficult feat indeed after a decade for the Tories in power.
Only Boris has any realistic change of winning back the UKIP voters for a once - again hegemonic Conservative party on something like 40 per cent support — a difficult feat indeed after a decade for the Tories in power.
Apart from the cinematic qualities that won it four Academy Awards, this film pulls off the difficult feat of presenting abstract mathematics on - screen — the idea called the Nash equilibrium, which had won the film's protagonist, John Nash (played by Russell Crowe), a Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994.
Transforming televisions into contact lenses turns out to be a difficult feat even in our age of micro - miniaturization.
Nearly a century ago, Swedish naturalist Einar Lonnberg managed a difficult feat: He made the fossa even more mysterious.
A continuously rotating magnetic field propels the microbot in an end - over-end or sideways tumbling motion, which helps the microbot traverse uneven surfaces such as bumps and trenches, a difficult feat for other forms of motion.
Although primates go through more regular ovulation cycles compared to canines, monkey cloning has remained a difficult feat for at least four years.
To discover a living huntsman spider in the South African deserts is a difficult feat; to study the spider in detail is almost impossible.
Spotting gravitational waves from the vantage point of the Earth's surface was a difficult feat for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory (LIGO) lab, which took about 15 years of effort and $ 620 million to accomplish its feat.
While you can technically overeat enough fat calories to accumulate adipose tissue, thus getting fat, this is a difficult feat, for two primary reasons:
(A difficult feat at times!)
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