Sentences with phrase «difficult labor»

But with the right staff and a patient, open - minded doctor can prevent an even a more difficult labor from becoming a horror story.
She laughs when she tells these stories, not wanting to upset women who have difficult labors with intense pain.
Throughout history, women have often had the help of other womenfolk to help them through difficult labors.
# 3 total natural birth with biggest baby & difficult labor nurse helped with pushing left my stomach feeling like a punching bag after son was born.
Dystocia: Dystocia refers to a long and difficult labor due to slow cervical dilation, a small pelvis, or a big baby.
Barrett said he has taken part in many difficult labor negotiations and a quick fix like this will have negative repercussions for future negotiations.
But the most difficult labor out of all the rituals I just mentioned is the largess part as we often get confused about deciding the completed diwali gifts for our dear and near ones.
In episode 213, the second season finale, Melvin's memorial service is attended by a surprise guest; Bette is fired by Franklin, then coaches Tina through what turns out to be an unexpectedly difficult labor and delivery; Jenny is in trouble and asks for help.
A recent study coming out of Holland says that expectant moms with low levels of a hormone called thyroxine, produced by the thyroid gland, tend to have more difficult labors.
After a very difficult labor / birth and my family leaving, I was home alone, still barely mobile, with a colicky 7 week old.
Admittedly, this may be tough for overworked employees in a difficult labor market.
If you had a particularly long or difficult labor and birth, you are already starting behind the well - rested curve.
My wife and I were awake for 36 - hours straight during a difficult labor and then ended - up with an emergency C - section.
A pleasant pregnancy experience the first time around doesn't mean you'll have a difficult labor the second time around.
If you mother, for example, tended to have long and difficult labors, there's a chance that you might too.
Even if you've already had a child born after a difficult labor, this doesn't mean the current pregnancy will end in a hard labor.
It is perfect time to recover from difficult labor, to successfully start breastfeeding and of course - bond, bond, bond.
They were both of immense help during a difficult labor process and I credit them with keeping me out of the OR and enabling a vaginal birth.
She revealed that she did not use any pain medication, but also admitted it was a «long arduous and difficult labor
Older women, menopausal women, have older uteruses that tend not to stretch or contract well, which can result in an abnormal, difficult labor.
Women may experience prolonged and heavier bleeding after a long or difficult labor, giving birth to a large baby, or delivery multiples.
They can include a complicated or difficult labor.
I also had a colleague who didn't like the emotion (nerves, really) of a doctor during her difficult labor and delivery.
It's unclear why boys might have longer or more difficult labors but it could have something to do with how their hormones interact with moms or their size (as bigger babies tend to be more difficult to deliver).
After studying about 8,000 births, they found that boys had longer and more difficult labors.
Sometimes a baby, who is fussy and always at the breast, but otherwise gaining well, may benefit from the gentle touch of a chiropractor to realign the spine after a difficult labor and birth.
When Izzy was born, after a difficult labor ending with an emergency cesarean section under general anesthetic, my husband made sure that no one fed her until I came round and could try to feed her myself.
Some reasons a woman may experience diminished milk supply include heavy bleeding and weakness in labor, having a difficult labor, anemic women, separation from baby in initial hours after birth, supplementing with formula, illness in mother following delivery including infection, a baby sleeping through the night, a sleepy nurser who essentially naps at the breast and never completely empties breasts, and babies who have improper latch - on technique.
A gorilla at the Philadelphia Zoo has given birth to a healthy baby after a difficult labor that required medical...
The pregnancy I did drink it, I had the longest, most excruciating, difficult labor.
Follow her journey through an unexpected pregnancy, difficult labor, marriage, steep learning curve as a new mother and triumphant return to the sport.
Performing emergency surgery 24/7, allowing problems like traumatic wounds, bleeding tumors, and difficult labor to be rapidly addressed
Our emergency veterinary services also include treatment for poisoning, heat stroke / hypothermia, foreign object ingestion, choking, gastric dilatation volvulus (bloat), difficult labor, seizures, and a variety of other serious conditions.
Dystocia in the Bitch and Queen with Jenna Dockweiler, DVM, DACVT Dystocia is defined as pathologic or difficult labor, where normal delivery of the fetus through the birth canal is impaired.
Newborns often sustain brachial plexus injuries during long and difficult labors.
Medscape, an information resource for healthcare professionals, reports that close to 90 percent of infant facial paralysis occur during long, difficult labors, which often involve the following:
, an information resource for healthcare professionals, reports that close to 90 percent of infant facial paralysis occur during long, difficult labors, which often involve the following:
When a woman is having a difficult labor, a doctor is responsible for identifying what is wrong and supplying a remedy if at all possible so that the infant and mother are not injured.
If you have a child who suffers from Klumpke's palsy due to a difficult labor and birth, you may wish to speak with a Dallas injury lawyer about why the birth injury took place and whether the injury should have been prevented altogether.
Personally involved leader with excellent business and follow - up skills capable of providing focused leadership in a difficult labor market positioning the hotel to remain free of 3rd party representation.
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