Sentences with phrase «difficult than they»

Although their childbirth was more difficult than expected.
But sometimes moms make a doctor's job more difficult than it should be.
, for many new moms, it is much more difficult than they ever expected it to be.
Some people thing you can take twins out because managing them outside is more difficult than managing them in - house by a single adult.
Not neccessarily the case with everyone, but it does make it more difficult than it would if there was not scar tissue in the nipple.
Parents notes that if your baby is younger than one year, the weaning process may be more difficult than if you're nursing an older baby or toddler, who generally wean more easily on their own.
It's also typical that with a virus comes a stuffy nose, making breast and bottle feeding more difficult than usual.
But it's a lot more difficult than it is for children who are learning at home.
It wasn't to say they are better than other parents, or to say it is more difficult than another job.
I think tandem nursing often gets described as this thing that granola moms just do, when it's way more difficult than just having two kids nursing at once.
Assembly was most difficult than I would have liked.
Nothing is more difficult than a fussy baby.
They're only more difficult than flats because their layers are sewn together and they'll probably need an extra rinse or maybe two.
Mom will want to read each part of the article to make sure she doesn't accidently make her labor more difficult than it needs to be.
When an adult sits upright on a toilet, pooping is more difficult than it needs to be, but when a child sits upright, legs dangling, it's like trying to poop uphill.
If you feel comfortable opening up, you may start out with saying things are more difficult than expected; that even though you don't have any outward signs to point to like a broken leg, you aren't feeling like yourself and do appreciate their support.
This was actually more difficult than I thought it would be because there are no classes very nearby.
The adjustment may be more difficult than imagined for mothers and fathers (and siblings!).
All of these make potty training or toilet training more difficult than it would otherwise be.
There are a lot of benefits to choosing cloth diapers instead of disposable but the whole process can seem more complicated making things more difficult than it needs to be.
But after 36 hours of labor and 4 of pushing, it was more painful and difficult than it needed to be.
You will figure out soon enough that it might be more difficult than you previously thought.
I mean, there are definitely challenges to raising a stepchild, but there are challenges to raising any child and I can't really say one is more difficult than the other.
No doubt, this process will feel much more difficult than just feeding the baby, but it is worth the effort as the ultimate goal is her sleeping for longer stretches of time.
If you began establishing a naptime routine with your child in infancy, continuing it into toddlerhood may be less difficult than you think.
In reality, life with a new baby — especially during those early postpartum weeks — tends to be a lot more difficult than we're taught to expect.
Of course, some projects will be much more dramatic and difficult than others.
Actually getting the shot was a little more difficult than it would seem, though.
You may be wondering can you breastfeed with flat nipples, and while the answer is generally a resounding «yes,» there are cases when it may be more difficult than others.
She was potty trained pretty quick and girls are more difficult than boys.
Also, setting up the bedside sleeper configuration is more difficult than I thought it would be.
However, it is, in fact, a lot more difficult than it may sound, to think of a nutrition plan that o...
You will find that tying your shoes or getting up from a sitting position is even more difficult than it was a week ago.
(I never thought I'd say that anything was more difficult than nighttime parenting, but here I am.)
The mattress fits all standard crib sizes, but I will say that it fits extremely tight so it makes changing her bedclothes a little more difficult than normal.
Learning to walk down steps is more difficult than walking up.
Sewing up a seam in garter stitch isn't any more difficult than mattress stitch on stockinette, but you do have to approach it somewhat differently.
And for that same reason, «Just embrace» is so much more difficult than «Just adopt.»
The basics can still be difficult — Breastfeeding the second time around was more difficult than it was the first.
Just because you think other women have it more difficult than you for any number of reasons doesn't negate you having a bad day!
What's more difficult than having a baby who wakes all night, takes short naps, or will only sleep being held?
It can be a little bit hard to reach in the basket when the seats are in certain configurations, but not any more difficult than with other big strollers.
Parents may learn quickly that their child has a unique personality that makes disciplining the child more difficult than other children or stressful life events may occur that create tension and frustration between the child and the parent.
If a nursing strike is related to baby becoming flow preference such as when breastfeeding is more difficult than bottle - feeding, what are your recommendations?
Bullying tends to peak in 6th grade, and many students find that the academic challenges of middle school are far more difficult than in elementary school.
And it's all these little details that can make life with a new baby more difficult than it need be.
Note from Hint Mama: We're just about to embark on the potty training journey and I've heard that teaching proper potty etiquette (like wiping, flushing and hand washing) can be a lot more difficult than teaching the go - potty basics, and that kids who have the basics mastered can still easily regress.
Heating milk before serving it to your baby may seem a lot more difficult than just pouring it into a sippy cup and serving it, but it may make a big difference in the success of your child's weaning experience.
An easy way to introduce subtraction, which some children find more difficult than adding.
Therefore, if you have a big baby, your work may now be more difficult than before.
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