Sentences with phrase «difficult things when»

«It's really a very difficult thing when you bring somebody into a room and you're telling them by the time you're done with this it's going to cost you a couple million dollars that you either have to raise or spend,» says Testani.
We all have credit cards, some of us have more than two and it is quite a difficult thing when the bills continue to rise on them.
It's a difficult thing when you realise that you've been played, but that's a feeling that critics and consumers alike have been dealing with this past week.
Speaking out is a difficult thing when a sexual assault happens to you.

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Breaking with the past is a difficult thing to do for established companies, and it's something BlackBerry tried before when building BlackBerry 10.
These things are difficult to avoid when financing so trying to avoid financing at all is the best bet.
This is the time to get employees into training to upgrade skills, to catch up on yardwork or maintenance — activities that are difficult to undertake when things are ramping up.
Let's add staff, or let's spend some money training staff or getting them updated skills — all of those things which are really difficult to do when you are in a busy environment,» he says.
Passion to drive when things are difficult.
When she went ahead and added these sorts of risks to the scale — things like cooking an impressive but difficult dish for an important dinner party or buying a ticket from a less reliable airline — lo and behold women suddenly seemed just as comfortable with risk as men.
You may be pushing yourself to do the best you can, but whether it's negative supervisors, gossipy co-workers, or just feeling stuck doing the same thing over and over again, it can be difficult to stay engaged at work when this feeling strikes.
Also, they'll make sacrifices when things are difficult to go the extra mile.
I believe when you launch a business one of the most difficult things is managing the highs and lows.
They know it's extremely difficult to make major changes, even necessary ones, when things are going relatively smoothly.
«It's difficult because we tend to only do things in life when we need to.
Keep up your self - esteem and confidence, even when things get difficult.
Often it's the everyday things that prove most difficult — managing your schedule, treating people the way you ought to, and keeping things in perspective when chaos is at hand.
I get it, control is a difficult thing to give up — especially when we're talking about your business.
All three of these things seem incredibly difficult to do at work, especially over time when close contact with the same people day in and day out makes your co-workers your surrogate family.
Stern: It struck me that this man, known to be such a brilliant speaker, had a very difficult time explaining things when he was younger.
When things get difficult at work, school, or in your personal life, you can use as many tips, tricks, and techniques as you can get to calm your nerves.
Few things will cause more customer dissatisfaction and ruin your reputation faster than being difficult, adversarial, and uncooperative when people believe what you said in your guarantee and take you up on it.
When risk rises, money becomes more difficult to obtain, and [investment] goes to more prosaic things.
When our envy is rooted in things we can not change about ourselves, such as a difficult childhood, a traumatic event, or certain health conditions and disabilities, using envy to motivate self - improvement is more likely to dig us deeper into frustration and self - blame.
«The other difficult thing is when pet owners who lose their right [to keep their pet] sometimes come looking to take them back.»
These children are often put in difficult situations when it comes to getting the things they need or want to lead normal lives.
What you really [need to] understand about people is that it's difficult to be partners when things inevitably go array.
«Things that should be simple — like finding new clients, securing credit, filing for taxes or saving for retirement — are unnecessarily difficult today when you work for yourself.
Public speaking, when you know everyone is parsing your words, must be a heck of a difficult thing.
So as you think about Q2, it's never helpful when your brand is in the news for things like this, and it's really difficult to discern exactly, but we're not currently attributing the Q2 softness to the credit card news.
Psychologically, humans find it very difficult to perform differently when everybody else is doing something the same thing, and this is a key factor which sustains bubbles.)
Precisely when time is most on your side is when it's most difficult to think about the future, routinely save and invest, and have the patience to see these things out.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
When God feels far away and things feel difficult, it can be easy to let the passion of our worship slip.
The universe is complicated and it can be difficult to accept that we don't fully understand many things, but isn't it even more of a stretch when you add another level of complication?
Why would he turn against Christianity especially when it would have made things more difficult for him politically?
One of the first things that comes to my mind, I must admit, when I am faced with a difficult situation in the church, is, «What effect will this have on our income?»
«In this digital age, it's now more important than ever that we talk openly about body image, so that young people can feel comfortable in their skin and have one less thing to worry about when they are going through puberty, which is already one of the most difficult stages of their life.»
I think it would be much more difficult to be a christian 2000 years ago when laws, prejudices and so on were far less sensitive to this sort of thing.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't consider that sort of thing as a sound basis for deciding difficult questions when we have actual scriptural evidence to use instead.
See, devin, this is when things get tough to keep it civilized, because I honestly want to say, either you're pretending to not see the comparison just to be difficult, even though you do, or, you're just flat out not smart enough to understand it....
Even when church is difficult, it is a traumatic thing to do to leave.
Still, it's difficult not to conclude that the lady doth protest too much — it is one thing to tell oneself that you can live without finding a soulmate when you haven't found one, it's quite another to actually mean that you have definitively set aside all yearning for such intimacy.
He finds comfort in knowing that when things get too difficult to understand, he can just blame them on Obama.
I am always moved to hope when things are really difficult, and people stick around.
May we all be inspired to speak with more truth, more conviction, more care, and more bravery about this difficult topic, so that our awareness doesn't end here, but continues to grow, until the day when all things are reconciled to the source of love, and the story of abuse is only a memory.
I understand that it's difficult to afford nice thing when you earn a low wage.
It is too difficult to give up everything, and so we take the easy way out, and leave things the way they are, or at least sift through the hay - stack of our beliefs with a needle, when we need a pitch - fork or a fork - lift.
She says using the phrase «at least» is the worst thing you can say to someone when he or she shares something difficult with you.
The best thing a friend can do for me when I'm going through something difficult is listen, and then listen some more and then listen some more.
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