Sentences with phrase «difficult time feeding»

As the site noted, the rush of milk from an overfull breast can cause babies to have a difficult time feeding, and even keep them from drinking enough milk because they aren't able to handle the strong flow.

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Yet there has been no increase in transfer payments to the provinces for universities, meaning that working - and middle - class families have an incredibly difficult time sending their kids to post-secondary institutions (without housing and feeding them for an extra five years).
All of this suggests the need for substantial humility about what the Fed's capacities will be the next time the economy encounters difficult times.
If you are out shopping for a home during this summer selling season and you are having a difficult time finding a good property at a reasonable price, be sure to thank the folks at the Fed for their fine work.
Consider here what motivated the banks in the first place: a great amount of their assets turned out to be worthless (the famous «toxic» assets) when the bust hit in 2008, and they found it difficult to maintain minimum capital ratios; their deposit liabilities of course remained the same, and initially the level of non-borrowed bank reserves went deeply into negative territory (this is to say, they were forced to borrow directly from the Fed's discount window during this time).
The incoming data from the US has been choppy at best and hence it would be difficult for the Fed to think about accelerated rate hikes at this point of time but that is also something that the investors would wait for the Fed to confirm before pushing the prices higher again.
Perhaps if it were only one or the other I could maintain hope that we might one day get around this, but as it is, the one feeds off the other and I find it extremely difficult to hold out any hope that things might improve over time.
In fact, when we are the busiest or having the most difficult time with life is when we need to feed our bodies with the best quality food.
This time round I haven't really had enough spare to pump out, but it has been handy when we've been away and I've known we'll be somewhere that will be difficult for me to feed, so definitely still an essential item.
I had a difficult time breast feeding my son as well.
Carina of Greetings from the Jet Set had a difficult time getting a good breastfeeding relationship started with her son after a fill - in pediatrician, concerned that her two - day - old son was jaundiced, recommended she supplement her nursing with an ounce of formula after each feeding.
For take - off and landing, try to have him sucking to help with his ears — a pacifier is a big help for this as most flight attendants will tell you to hold him in the «burping» position during this time, making feeding difficult.
He's on a 3 hr schedule (looks about like this altho naps aren't consistently good and he has a difficult time settling after his bedtime feeding - 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, 10DF).
Manisha, The time of day after the 6 PM feed is 100 % a normal time of day for her to have a difficult time.
It's time to call the doctor if your little one is too sleepy and you're having a difficult time waking her up for most of her feedings.
I know there are lots of great health visitors and they do a very difficult job but have to say mine made me feel absolutely awful about formula - feeding even though I continued to express for weeks so my son still had some breast milk and, however well - intended, stressed one too many times that I could still try to go back to breast - feeding alone.
Would everyone's time not be more effectively spent providing support for mothers who want to breastfeed but who are struggling than trying to make life as difficult and expensive as possible for those who have chosen / had to formula feed?
For you, you did have your older child that you were able to continue breast feeding, and in turn your baby actually helped you recover and supports you through some of this difficult time through the breast feeding relationship.
The first days, weeks, and months are often the most difficult for parents of multiples, as everyone gets used to the frequent feedings, lack of sleep, and lack of personal time.
If you are breastfeeding, it's difficult to predict the exact time between feedings, but you should expect that the longest time between feedings would be three hours.
We tried a few times after that but it became more difficult once he was expecting to feed from a bottle teat haha!
Healthy, Quick Meal ideas for Busy Families Feeding kids can be difficult at the best of times.
We can wish that weren't so, we can even work hard to implement the changes in society that will mean that more of those women will be breastfeeding rather than formula - feeding, but at this point in time and for the foreseeable future lots of the women in shelters will be in the situation of formula - feeding and having difficulty getting hold of enough milk in their difficult circumstances, and they * will * need the samples.
She may be lethargic if you have a difficult time waking her for feedings on a regular basis, if she is sleepy or sluggish while she is awake, and if she does not pay attention to sound or visual stimulation.
No doubt, this process will feel much more difficult than just feeding the baby, but it is worth the effort as the ultimate goal is her sleeping for longer stretches of time.
As difficult as it can be to wake up for night feedings — as we described earlier, a lot of babies do take in a lot of their overall milk during the night time hours.
The closer the spacing between your children, the more difficult it becomes because it is hard to get a decent feeding in for Baby # 2 when Baby # 1 doesn't have the attention span to finish a book or even an Elmo DVD (desperate times call for desperate measures).
While the baby phase can be tough with sleepless nights, around the clock feeding and constant diaper changes, toddler and preschool aged kids can be even more difficult at times.
Babies thrive on structure and consistency, if there are times when you feed her back to sleep, but other times she is rocked or brought back to bed with you out of desperation, you are actually making it more difficult for baby to learn to fall asleep.
Feedings, diaper changes, the pile of dishes that are waiting for you in the sink, the never - ending pile of laundry and all of the other things that will fill up your plate after having a baby, it might be difficult to find the time to fit in a romp session.
If your child is teething understand that the child will be difficult to parent due to a situation by default not her choice to wan na grow and loose teeth not your fault its that time for her teeth to come in be patient stay calm and don't let the situation get the best of you anger is an emotion all of us can control sooth her comfort her talk to her clean your hands make sure your finger nails are clipped massage her gums administer her oral gel and give her children's pain medicine after consulting your physician feed her reguarly and take your time as she enters and exits another phase in this journey we call life
I'm so sorry it was so difficult for you — you'd think that the third time around it would be easy, but I guess feeding never gets easy.
My son was tongue tied at birth to it made the latch terrible I struggled for a while take him to the family doctor they will clip the tie as the hospital wouldn't do it for me either the younger you have it corrected the better and then mom can work on latching properly and it should increase the milk supply it is difficult breastfeeding with a low supply and bottle feeding the baby gets used to being able to get more milk quicker from a bottle and then will fuss and not want the breast just takes some time and when ever possible just offer the breast he will eventually take it when a bottle is not offered it also helps to squeeze a little milk out so he can smell and taste it it will encourage him to latch on and eat also some woman can pump and some can't I have a problem pumping I can maybe get an once from each breast and that is if I'm lucky
In my first time around I had a difficult time with breast feeding.
Three particularly difficult situations include early postpartum, night - time feeding, and playful older infants.
Yet, any breast - feeding mother of a toddler will tell you that there are times when breast - feeding is challenging and difficult.
Before Table for Two, it was so difficult to let her help and feeding time was always a disaster.
Not frequently, but there have been times that, after a late - night feeding when he's fallen asleep in his lounger on the ottoman in front of me while I pumped post-feed, I just brought the entire lounger into bed next to me because I didn't want to wake him up putting him into his MamaRoo (where he slept for the better part of the first six months of his life, because his reflux made sleeping him on his back so difficult and dangerous for him).
Now, that his weight is under control, we have tried with the help of lactation consultants to get him back to breast feeds but he won't, and trying to get him on is stressful so we have had to make the decision to continue with the bottles, however expressing full time is difficult I also have a 2.5 year old, so now wish to slowly wean him onto formula.
I want to continue to breastfeeding as I never produced enough with my first son and only fed for a few months, having a difficult experience, so weaning is not what I want, but li need to decrease my supply or I'm going to go crazy!!!!! My breasts are sore all the time!!!
However, she is consistently having a difficult time with her last nap of the day (after her 6:00 pm feed).
the past 3 nights and days however have been a little more difficult as he is waking early from about 2 to 3 naps a day, and waking before his normal feed times in the night.
Many mothers experience a difficult time having a release of milk — a let - down — when it comes time to pump, even if they have a full, robust milk supply and no issues feeding directly at the breast.
Some moms of twins find it difficult to tandem feed (that is, breastfeed both babies at the same time), but if you can manage this, whether it takes lots of practice or you get the hang of it immediately, it is a huge time saver.
Keep Baby Awake During Feedings Feeding time naps can make it difficult for parents to make sure baby is getting all of the nutrients she needs, which is why a change in her feeding schedule may be necessary if she's regularly dozingFeeding time naps can make it difficult for parents to make sure baby is getting all of the nutrients she needs, which is why a change in her feeding schedule may be necessary if she's regularly dozingfeeding schedule may be necessary if she's regularly dozing off...
I found it difficult to feed her while pumping because she'd grab the tube so in essence it's like I was taking time to feed two babies plus clean equipment and store / measure milk.
Feeding time naps can make it difficult for parents to make sure baby is getting all of the nutrients she needs, which is why a change in her feeding schedule may be necessary if she's regularly dozing off while sucking from a Feeding time naps can make it difficult for parents to make sure baby is getting all of the nutrients she needs, which is why a change in her feeding schedule may be necessary if she's regularly dozing off while sucking from a feeding schedule may be necessary if she's regularly dozing off while sucking from a bottle.
It is difficult for you to eat at the same time as your baby because often babies are spoon fed before the rest of the family eats — but you can still include your baby at the family meal and give them some finger foods to play with and try
With a newborn, it can be difficult to find the time to exercise your pets (and yourself), as your time is basically absorbed by feedings, poopy diapers, laundry, and caring for everyone in the house.
and it can be difficult to carve out time where your undivided attention is given to your baby during feeding time.
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