Sentences with phrase «difficulties of normal life»

Period pieces and action are still front and center, but the day - to - day difficulties of normal life aren't far from the spotlight.

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If a person has difficulty coping with the «normal everyday» problems of life we may call it emotional illness.
It may also be that the body struggles to resume normal, healthy function because of on - going mediators or perpetuators such as stressful life events (e.g. relationship or work - related challenges, financial difficulties, loss of a loved one), a poor diet or a particular nutrient deficiency, insufficient physical activity or relaxation, poor sleep quality, smoking, too much drink or other unhealthy habits.
He talked about empathising with his characters, the necessity of obsessive focus and the difficulty of balancing a creative life with a normal one.
Kevin Baillie faced entirely different difficulties for Sony's The Walk, using an enormous number of effects to recreate normal life in the 1970s.
I played Arcade Mode in Normal Difficulty and can attest that the one - life - only aspect of it is absolutely brutal, especially since the game offered no health pickups or health restoration of any kind.
Alongside Solo Tournaments, Solo Challenges offer a variety of fight scenarios against real - life UFC fighters and each one offers an increasing number of coins depending on the difficulty (normal, hard or insane) you choose.
Physical reality — the discomfort and difficulty of abandoning one's normal life — put a natural break on the formation of cults, separatist colonies, underground groups, apocalyptic churches, and extreme political parties.
What's more is that three in ten (29.3 %) of these respondents experience difficulty carrying on with normal life after experiencing their consumer problem.
The evidence is clear that persons are being exempted from criminal law protections in these jurisdictions based on «psychological suffering» arising from «weariness with living» «refusing to impose one's deterioration on others», [62] feelings of anger and distress which are «normal» for those who «incur or [are] diagnosed with incurable impairment or terminal illness», [63] «negative images of disability and dying» which are pervasive in our society, [64] and the difficulty of distinguishing psychological suffering from depression.
But having difficulties and challenges are also normal parts of sharing your life with others.
• to describe the lives of children in Ireland, in order to establish what is typical and normal as well as what is atypical and problematic; • to chart the development of children over time, in order to examine the progress and wellbeing of children at critical periods from birth to adulthood; • to identify the key factors that, independently of others, most help or hinder children's development; • to establish the effects of early childhood experiences on later life; • to map dimensions of variation in children's lives; • to identify the persistent adverse effects that lead to social disadvantage and exclusion, educational difficulties, ill health and deprivation; • to obtain children's views and opinions on their lives; • to provide a bank of data on the whole child; and to provide evidence for the creation of effective and responsive policies and services for children and families; • to provide evidence for the creation of effective and responsive policies and services for children and families.
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