Sentences with phrase «difficulty of the game»

«The preparation of the whole week sets the tone, and then the quality of the expected difficulty of the game as well,» said the boss.
[14] The high difficulty of the game was implemented to extend playing sessions due to the lack of content in games at the time.
Don't let the perceived difficulty of the game put you off playing it, it's really not that bad.
Don't let the perceived difficulty of the game put you off playing it, it's really not that bad.
This mode is basically for those who want to have an easier time going through the brutal difficulty of the game.
But the main difficulty of the game is the obstacles that comes on your way while moving from one point to another.
But what really kept kids like me pouring quarters into it was the addicting difficulty of the game.
The sheer difficulty of the game made people keep coming back for more and it had so many downloads that the owner was generating tens of thousands of dollars on a daily basis.
art & literature; beauty & fashion; business & finance; education; family; food; geography; government & politics; health; history; hobbies & games In the world of hackers, the kind of answers you get to your technical questions depends as much on the way you ask the questions as on the difficulty of
Alteric is a platform game that has been marketed with the supposed difficulty of the game at the forefront of its press release.
To make up for it, there's a new setting that ratchets up the speed and difficulty of each game for those of us who just don't find either of these classics challenging anymore.
I suggest Nintendo look for ways to make a gentler learning curve, while trying not to reduce the overall difficulty of the games too much.
It appeared that the escalating difficulty of the game trained the test subjects to manipulate the Tetris blocks mentally with such skill that they barely broke a cognitive sweat completing levels that would have utterly confounded them a month earlier.
It appeared that the escalating difficulty of the game trained the test subjects to mentally manipulate the Tetris blocks with such skill that they barely broke a cognitive sweat completing levels that would have utterly confounded them a month earlier.
Unlike some games, Horizon Zero Dawn doesn't actually have any trophies that are bound to the chosen difficulty of the game.
Actually, in the hardest difficulty of the game — Goblin Mode — it is virtually impossible to fight your way out of a situation, as one hit will kill you.
Wenger said, «The preparation of the whole week sets the tone, and then the quality of the expected difficulty of the game as well.
There's no getting around an area with out getting killed off at least once but even with the insane difficulty of the game, the series continues to bring in a huge following.
Though what makes Dark Souls 2 standout along with the other titles in the series is the brute difficulty of the game.
The progressive difficulty of the game is counterbalanced by how satisfying and addictive the gameplay mechanics can be.
Once you can control Isaac adeptly, the real difficulty of the game kicks in.
Despite the intense difficulty of this game, it is still fun, the couch co-op mode made it that much better as we laughed our way through the deaths, parries and constant restarts of the levels.
There are no rewards for leaving advice for others, yet the game has built up an unseen community of gamers who all want to help each other and pass on their wisdom to the next wave of players — something only made possible by the extreme difficulty of the game as a whole.
These bouncy, friendly designs belie the savage difficulty of the game however, requiring players to show pinpoint accuracy and precision to overcome the bosses with run and gun gameplay.
We saw a lot of people playing Dance Central 1 and 2 at parties in a multiplayer context, but a lot of our menu systems - and even just the general difficulty of the game - wasn't always the perfect thing for the complete newcomer to Kinect or Dance Central.
I was hesitant due to the notorious difficulty of the game, but as a huge fan of medieval fantasy I caved shortly after.
Young gamers will probably be alienated by the extreme retro look and the high difficulty of these games, but they are precious pieces of gaming history that should be added in every retro - loving gamers collection.
While some boss battles feel unbalanced, the overall difficulty of the game is quite high compared to most games today.
Things start off with a practice lap, where fans of NFS will get their first taste of the brutal difficulty of the game (compared to the series usual arcade).
It is a co-operative and first person combat game that requires more team work on the harder difficulties of the game.
The difficulty of that game was expected.
The authors of the study, published in PLoS ONE, reported that video games of the future could use information gleaned from a user's body positions to change the difficulty of a game based on the confidence implied by a player's posture.
The difficulty of the game was then modified according to the ability of the player so that the task was equally difficult for each participant.
The difficulty of the game increased over the course of training in terms of the number of tasks to be completed per day, the complexity of tasks, and / or interference with prior tasks.
The difficulty of the game increases at a gradual pace; not just the enemies but also the platforming required to get through areas.
There is a lot of goals to accomplish that keep the game feeling fresh, and the difficulty of the game means there's plenty of reason to keep coming back as you try and beat your previous best score.
Those kids complaining about the difficulty of this game are obviously used to the majority of today's blockbuster releases that come with training wheels.
The difficulty of the game is kept simple.
The standard mode allows the player to tailor the difficulty of the game to their liking.
With a First Person Action title it usually isn't to hard to make it fun, just vary up the gameplay, increase the difficulty of the game as you go along, and create an interesting storyline.
The difficulty of the game will be fixed at launch; however, Capcom is open to changing the difficulty level server - side if necessary.
Boss battles on the other hand are bigger than Ben Hur and definitely up the difficulty of the game.
The difficulty of the game can be extraordinary challenging, especially with the limited health and ammunition with one false move ending in disaster.
Much of the problem here is that the difficulty of the game (regardless of the mode) doesn't scale too well against the upgrade system.
We wanted to bring that feeling back and also the difficulty of those games
Funky mode is an attempt to reduce the difficulty of the game and make it more accessible to everyone, and honestly it is the best mode to play if you don't have much experience with platformers.
As the difficulty of the game is quite high and this title comes from an era where platformers were very unforgiving, some players may get frustrated with the gaming mechanics.
Dark Souls, the first game which gave a new meaning to Real - time RPG and set a benchmark for the difficulty of games is all set to receive a remastered treatment for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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