Sentences with phrase «digest food into»

In order to break down and digest food into glucose in the bloodstream, the body needs insulin, a hormone that is produced in the pancreas.
If you now have a hole in your intestinal lining that's allowing inadequately digested food into your bloodstream, you are likely to develop allergies to a host of normally benign foods.
As the intestinal wall weakens, food sensitivities or food allergies will begin to develop as the body allows poorly digested foods into the bloodstream.
That's really increased the leaky gut where the gut lets incompletely digested food into the blood stream triggering an immune response.
Internal mechanisms like the passing of partially digested foods into the small intestine, and distention of the stomach, stimulate a dog's pancreas to produce enzymes, as does external factors like the sight and smell of food.

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Just as long as you accept that it's also my right to look on with contempt for people who stick their willies into holes that digested food comes out of.
Autoimmunity is commonly caused by bacterial infections or overgrowth in the small intestine, in which partially digested food compounds are incorporated into bacterial cell walls and then the immune system, reacting to the bacteria, forms antibodies that also recognize food compounds, some of which might cross-react with human counterparts.
Grinding the seeds is a great way to incorporate all the components into those favorite foods and might even help the body digest more of their nutrients.
Two or three hours before a moderate intensity workout, a somewhat complex meal like a sandwich on whole grain bread with lean protein, roasted vegetables and avocado is a good option because «you'll have time for your food to get digested and absorbed from your GI tract into your blood,» says Sass.
We want the body's energy to go into detoxing toxic chemicals rather than being spent on digesting food.
Fermented foods have been preserved or produced by the action of microorganisms like bacteria and yeasts, which digest sugars, turning it into gasses, acids or alcohol... I know, I'm not really selling it.
By adding protein powders into the mix, it may ease the form under which the body digests bulky foods.
• rich in fiber (because of psyllium husk) • fermentation lowers the glycemic index and prevents blood sugar spikes • simple ingredients with no hard - to - get flours and starches • easy to prepare • easy to fit the sourodugh baking into your daily life • cheap • perfect for sandwiches, tastes delicious and goes well with other foods • easy to digest and keeps you light • eggs - free, diary - free, soy - free, xanthan gum - free, guar gum - free, sugar - free
That's because the body digests pre-exercise protein into amino acids (yes, the body can digest food during exercise!)
Baby's first entree into the world of solid food need not be the generic, bland rice cereal, although rice is a good starter food because it is gluten - free and easy to digest.
All forms of carbohydrates, whether they are coming from a healthy food or unhealthy food, turn into «sugar» (glucose, or fructose in the case of fruit) after they are digested.
According to Parents, reflux is a natural part of digestion and happens when digested food that has been churning in your stomach acid flows back up into your esophagus.
On the other hand a smaller portion doesn't allow the food to go back into the oesophagus and get digested.
A fungus (plural fungi) is a eukaryotic organism that digests its food externally and absorbs the nutrient molecules into its cells.
But help may be on the way: Scientists report in next month's issue of Nature Medicine that rats unable to digest lactose, a sugar in dairy foods, are cured by a pill that stitches new genes into the cells of the gut.
Heat softens food and breaks down difficult - to - digest fibre into easily absorbed sugars.
For while GMOs could greatly improve society in numerous ways — e.g. attacking diseased cells, digesting pollution, or increasing food production — their use is heavily restricted by decades - old legislation, for fear of what might happen should they escape into the environment.
In an extensive review paper published in the 2011 Quarterly Review of Biology, Sera L. Young of Cornell University and her colleagues conclude that eating earth rarely adds significant amounts of minerals to one's diet and, in many cases, interferes with the absorption of digested food from the gut into the bloodstream, sometimes resulting in nutrient deficiency.
The fungus makes the chelator and produces hydrogen peroxide from oxygen, and together they start to digest the cell wall into the sugar found in the basic building block of wood, glucose, which the fungus can use as food.
For animals that lack this bilateral symmetry — sponges, stinging jellyfish, anemones — the digestive system is more like a cul - de-sac, a fitting turn of phrase for what is essentially a bag into which food flows, gets digested and then must be expelled before more can be consumed.
In this study, during such routine endoscopies, physicians injected the substance secretin intravenously, to fool the pancreas into believing the stomach contains food that the pancreas needs to help digest.
The study, published in the journal of Food Research International, reveals the molecules released when real samples of bread and pasta are digested, providing new information for research into gluten sensitivity.
As a result, patients may have problems digesting food and absorbing nutrients into the body.
Exocrine pancreas cells make enzymes that are released into the small intestine to help the body digest food.
digest (noun: digestion) To break down food into simple compounds that the body can absorb and use for growth.
Low - glycemic foods digest slowly and take longer to convert into glucose, releasing energy at a steady rate.
This is because the Atwater system fails to take into account that not all the energy in foods is complete digested or absorbed, and today we know that absorption varies based on the type of food and the individual who is consuming it.
(But don't turn to food when you can't sleep — it takes a while for what you digest to turn into melatonin.)
Dietary fibre, however, is not digested and it helps to keep food remains and waste products moving through the rest of the small intestine and then into the large intestine (bowel) for excretion, preventing the build - up of toxic waste.
One big issue for dieters are carbohydrates, which can be divided into slow - digesting and fast - digesting ones: the first group which includes foods such as yams, wild rice, beans, whole grains, red potatoes and certain types of fruits are loaded with fiber and nutrients and produce slow and gradual increases in blood glucose and modest insulin release, keeping us full and satisfied for longer periods of time.
Each food that gets into our body requires different enzymes to digest.
Your body needs you to be calm to actually digest, and digestion is about transforming your food into fuel.
Toxins, foreign material, infectious organisms, and partially digested food particles leaked into his bloodstream and traveled to the barrier between the brain's special circulation and the rest of your body.
This medication also slows down the time it takes for the stomach to digest food and empty into the small intestine, helping to eliminate many of the body's natural cravings for food.
Digestive health can define as the ability of the GI tract to digest food and excrete out after the absorption of food nutrients, water, vitamins and minerals into blood circulation for...
Jif's peanut powder definitely fits into my new simplicity mantra regarding my grocery budget, and I love that it's rich in flavor but also very easy to digest, unlike high - fat foods with oils and excess calories.
This often results in particles of food that aren't completely digested, getting into our bloodstream and immune system.
The small intestine works to digest food and absorb nutrients into the body.
When the gates are partially opened, bacterial fragments and incompletely digested food particles get into the bloodstream.
Eat a meal 1 — 2 hours before a workout to give yourself the energy you need with time to digest and convert food into the nutrients you need.
For instance, foods that are highly processed (think instant oats) will turn into glucose very quickly, but steel cut oats (which need to be cooked for 20 minutes) contain much more resistant starch and are digested more slowly.
For best results, wait at least 20 minutes before consuming any food or other drink, allowing time for the CellRenew to digest and get into the bloodstream.
The food is then released into your intestines, where a whole dance occurs to help digest and absorb nutrients.
So, if we're constantly putting food that's not well digested up higher in the end, like in our stomach for example, into that intestinal lining, it's like we're just scarring it right up.
Our food goes into our stomachs and as it gets digested it is absorbed into our blood.
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