Sentences with phrase «digest sugar alcohols»

The frosting is whipped avocado with powdered xylitol (for Austin's cupcake I used powdered sugar, because babies can not digest sugar alcohols).
They do have a sugar alcohol, erythritol, that can cause some gas and bloating for individuals who struggle to digest sugar alcohols.
Even us as adults have a pretty hard time digesting sugar alcohols.

Not exact matches

Fermented foods have been preserved or produced by the action of microorganisms like bacteria and yeasts, which digest sugars, turning it into gasses, acids or alcohol... I know, I'm not really selling it.
The easiest sugar alcohol to digest — more than 90 % of erythritol is absorbed in the small intestine, so minimal amounts reach the colon where other sugar alcohols end up causing diarrhea and other symptoms.
Sucrose is most easy to digest by the yeasts; they consume the sugar and put out CO2 (carbon dioxide, i.e. the bubbles in your booch) & ethanol (alcohol).
I'm not a fan of sugar alcohols as sweeteners (xylitol, erythritol, etc) as they don't digest fully and for some (not all) people can cause digestive issues.
Some foods don't fully digest in your small intestine: fructose, sorbitol (a sugar alcohol used as a substitute for sugar), legumes, fiber, complex carbohydrates such as wheat, and foods containing lactose (if you lack the enzymes to process them, as many of us do).
This sugar alcohol, although it can not be digested by the body, helps balance sugar and water levels in stools, enabling them to pass through the digestive tract more easily and with significantly less pain.
It's important to note that sugar alcohol is not fully digested by the body and can lead to abdominal pain, cramping, or gas.
Many sugar - free gums are also sweetened with sugar alcohols that are harder to digest, such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol.
Sugary treats can contain sugar substitutes and sugar alcohols — such as those found in low calorie and low carb foods such as cookies, energy bars, cakes, diet drinks and sweets can actually cause bloating, abdominal distension and gas as they are not easily digested.
We do not have any experience with sorbitol or maltitol — however several sources report that sorbitol really has no other health benefits, and maltitol is higher on the glycemic index and is the most difficult of the sugar alcohols to digest.
Sorbitol, a sugar - alcohol in apple juice, is difficult to digest.
Some may fare fine cutting out sugar, gluten, dairy, alcohol (hard to digest foods) but leaving in starchy carbs.
As far as I understand anything that has a lot (or maybe it's just easily digested) sugars would create alcohol or at least yeast, instead of probiotics?
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