Sentences with phrase «digestive plaque»

On top of that, they have done nothing to stop digestive plaque.
About seven months ago, Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum, the scientist who named the Mycobiome (our body's fungal community), made the landmark discovery that bacteria and fungi work together to create digestive plaque in the gut.
These two pictures really show just how powerful BIOHM is when it comes to breaking down digestive plaque.
We spent a tremendous amount of time figuring out a combination of beneficial fungi strains, beneficial bacteria strains and a powerful enzyme that would breakdown digestive plaque and maintain the total balance of bacteria and fungus in the digestive system.
I think it's pretty self explanatory... BIOHM obliterates digestive plaque, allowing the gut's total gut balance to be maintained.
But while we're starting to appreciate that there's a whole ecosystem of bacteria and fungi that exists in our guts, there's one aspect of our digestive health that you're probably not as familiar with: It's called digestive plaque.
If you can't break down digestive plaque, you can use all the probiotics and medication you want, but it won't make a difference if they can't reach the bad germs.
Put simply, underneath digestive plaque, bad germs actually become exponentially more powerful and therefore much harder to control.
Instead, we have to first break down digestive plaque, thereby exposing the bad bacteria and fungi underneath.
Well, I was lucky enough to be the scientist that discovered how bacteria and fungi come together in our guts to form digestive plaque.
That's the best way to think of digestive plaque: If you can't break down the Jell - O, it's really hard to get to the M&M's.
The discovery is how bad bacteria and bad fungus work together to create digestive plaque.
Not only that, but digestive plaque actually acts as a protective shield covering bad bacteria and fungi.
His solution marked the dawning of a new generation of probiotics with dual - action technology that first breaks open digestive plaque, and then neutralizes the bad bacteria and bad fungi, which allows the gut to maintain its natural microbiome balance, ultimately supporting optimal digestive health.
Dr. Ghannoum realized that to support overall digestive health and total gut balance, you must be able to break down digestive plaque, allowing good bacteria and fungi to reach bad bacteria and fungi hiding within the plaque.
The understanding of bacteria and fungi's relationship took a giant step forward, when Dr. Ghannoum's research unearthed the fact that bacteria and fungi actually work together to protect each other, through forming digestive plaque.
When I was developing BIOHM, a probiotic specifically designed to target digestive plaque, we used a two - pronged approach.
After making the breakthrough discovery that bad bacteria and bad fungus work together to create digestive plaque (a discovery covered globally by outlets such as CBS News, Scientific American, Forbes and USA Today), Dr. Ghannoum realized that probiotics currently available had not been engineered to specifically address the role fungus plays in digestive health.
As I previously mentioned, my study characterizing the bacterial and fungal communities in Crohn's patients resulted in my discovery of how bacteria and fungi work together to create digestive plaque.
Our products are strategically designed to balance both the bacteria and fungi in your gut, and break down digestive plaque — a thick film on your gut's lining that acts like a protective shield over bad bacteria and fungi.
We then infused the entire formulation with an enzyme that actually breaks down digestive plaque.
BIOHM, powered by PathoBiome 30B Technology, is the first performance probiotic developed to break down digestive plaque, and re-balance your gut's total microbiome (your body's ecosystem of microorganisms.)
By combining good bacteria + good fungi + digestive enzymes, BIOHM helps maintain the balance of bacteria AND fungi in your gut, all while breaking down digestive plaque.
During Dr. Ghannoum's landmark study on microbial imbalance in people with Crohn's Disease, he discovered that bacteria and fungi work together to build digestive plaque.
BIOHM maintains total digestive balance, because not only was it designed to balance both the bacteria and fungi in your gut, it was also optimized to break down digestive plaque, a thick film on your gut's lining that acts like a protective shield over bad bacteria and fungi.
BIOHM's formulation contains good bacteria, good fungi and a powerful enzyme that breaks through digestive plaque, allowing BIOHM's 30 billion live cultures of good bacteria and good fungus to maintain, support and promote the balance of the total microbiome of bacteria and fungi in the digestive system.
Our scientific team spent months engineering BIOHM, analyzing the specific strains and enzymes (and levels of each) to include, in order to achieve BIOHM's optimal efficacy in maintaining gut balance and breaking down digestive plaque.
Disclaimer: Importantly, while Dr. Ghannoum discovered digestive plaque while studying Crohn's Disease, BIOHM is engineered to support general digestive health and maintain total digestive balance, and is not in anyway intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent Crohn's Disease.
Interestingly, they showed that these three organisms worked together to form robust digestive plaque biofilms capable of exacerbating intestinal inflammation.
Since my discovery, I've continued my research in the hope of answering the question, How do digestive plaques actually work?
What we found was that when we infused it into our formula, it worked synergistically with our bacterial and fungal strains, which allowed it to break down digestive plaques.

Not exact matches

Bad bacteria and fungi hide within Digestive Plaque, making it difficult for ordinary probiotics to reach and control them, making digestive balance difficult to maintain.
A few of its many properties include anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, anti plaque, expectorant, immune modulator.
But did you know that plaque doesn't only affect your oral health, but can actually disrupt your digestive health?
He realized that the best hope of attacking the problem and maintaining digestive balance, would be to create a probiotic that combined good bacteria with good fungus and an enzyme that he suspected could have an effect on Digestive Plaque.
When ingested, clay clears your digestive system while ploughing through the thick and nasty plaque on the intestinal walls.
While I have personally never experienced psoriasis, I've certainly seen over one thousand psoriasis patients in my 26 years of practice who have, because I have specialized in certain conditions that not only include Candida yest infections, but psoriasis as well.For years, many of my patients have suffered with poor skin, including not only symptoms like psoriatic plaques, but also low energy levels, headaches, sleeping and energy problems, indigestion, constipation and other digestive problems, food cravings, and a hold host of other health complaints, but many didn't give up hope of one day finding an eventual cure.
Just like plaque builds up on teeth, plaque also builds up in your digestive system.
Having plaque that contains non-pathogenic bacteria as opposed to pathogenic (the good, not bad bacteria)-- Similar concept as good gut bacteria (and the gut is connected to the mouth — physically by way of the digestive tract)-- This is achieved by increasing good bacteria and decreasing pathogenic (bad) bacteria 3.
By cleaning out your digestive track, you'll get rid of gas, bloating and mucoid plaque.
Digestive plaque acts like a shield over bad bacteria and bad fungi as they work to upset the microbial balance of the digestive system.
Sometimes, the plaque buildup and bad breath are related to the dog's digestive health, so a visit to the vet will help you identify the real cause.
Chewing on raw bones helps to strengthen the jaw bones, massage the gums while stimulating the salivary and digestive glands, help reduce plaques and calculus accumulation on the tooth surfaces, clean teeth and reduce occurrence of gingivitis.
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