Sentences with phrase «digestive system diseases»

And the same holds true with respect to dying from respiratory and digestive system diseases: cold is a much greater killer of people than heat is almost everywhere in the world...»
''... authors obtained meteorological data from weather stations situated in eight of the provincial capitals that covered the period 1980 - 1998, while they obtained contemporary mortality data from the country's National Institute for Statistics for deaths associated with cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system diseases... Various analyses of the monthly - averaged data revealed a number of interesting results.
Inflammatory bowel disease in dogs is the name given to a group of digestive system diseases that result in the inflammation of the intestines and other chronic symptoms related to the GI system.
Other causes of death included infectious diseases (2.2 %), endocrine and nutritional diseases (2.2 %), neurological (2.2 %), digestive system diseases (2.2 %), and genitourinary disease (1.1 %).

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Dishes with ginger and cinnamon were also included because they halt the inflammation in the body that can lead to disease over time, and the many greens that are found in the recipes boost your body's vitamin intake, providing nutrients and fibre for cleaning out the digestive system.
As coeliac disease causes your digestive system to work less effectively, severe cases can sometimes lead to a critical lack of nutrients in your body.
There is a growing realisation that chronic disease is a result of inflammation in our digestive system.
Fibre is responsible for keeping the digestive system in check and also plays a role in stabilising blood glucose levels and cholesterol which contributes to the prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
It is known that honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar... It's antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight disease....
Some of the bacteria in our microbiomes are bad and cause disease and inflammation, and some of those bacteria are good, and an essential part of a healthy immune and digestive system.
My educated guess is that it is just healing the digestive system or increasing digestive enzymes — that makes good nutritious food completely absorbed in few hours leaving very little residue for expulsion (increased efficiency from an engineer's perspective) and not so good food getting quickly expelled from the body — which makes the person productive in whatever they are supposed to do (Macro level action, taking care of digestive system for example, in setting your body in the correct path for best functioning or preventing you from getting any disease or letting you recover fast).
Breastfeeding gives them protection from various kinds of food allergies and diseases, and avoiding solid food for first 6 months helps the digestive system to mature and also protects babies from obesity.
Other benefits presumably linked to this are the decrease in occurrence of coeliac disease, ulcerative colitis and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, as there is in general less inflammation created in the digestive system.
Researchers at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine have reached important milestones in their quest to engineer replacement tissue in the lab to treat digestive system conditions — from infants born with too - short bowels to adults with inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, or fecal incontinence.
This would impact a range of funding areas, including research on kidney and lung disorders, digestive diseases, central nervous system injuries, and sensory loss.
Since premature infants are at high risk of neonatal complications, particularly affecting the brain and respiratory and digestive systems, survival rates without serious neonatal disease are lower.
The disease earns its moniker, the «silent killer,» from its tendency to lie dormant in a person's system for years, even decades, until striking the victim down, usually through sudden heart or digestive failure.
But he stresses that it is unclear whether brain delivery of vaccine will stop transmission of prion disease between animals — which typically happens via the digestive system.
Crohn's disease is a painful, medically incurable illness that may attack anywhere along the digestive system.
Reflux disease is a condition in which stomach acid or other fluids in the digestive system irritate our food pipe, also known as the esophagus.
Mount Sinai Researchers have just discovered that patients in the Ashkenazi Jewish population with Crohn's disease (a chronic inflammatory of the digestive system) are more likely to carry the LRRK2 gene mutation.
As with humans, the disease can seriously damage the reproductive system, causing infertility, abortion, inflammation of the testicles, and sterility, as well as high fevers and problems in the respiratory and digestive systems.
Cystic fibrosis is a chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000 children and adults in the United States (70,000 worldwide).
These hit compounds contained bioactive molecules that are used as anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and contraceptive agents, hormones, vitamins, as well as for the treatment of diseases related to the central nervous system, digestive system, heart and skin.
Cystic Fibrosis: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited multi-system disease that primarily affects the lungs and digestive system.
This is known to be related to digestive conditions like irritable bowel disease and intestinal permeability, which is now being linked to immune system dysfunction.
The root of all disease begins in your gut, so feeding your digestive system with this food medicine will help you get you back to 100 percent.
In diseases such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis, the body's immune system attacks parts of the digestive tract.
Specific foods affect the secretion of substances from the digestive system and in so doing can influence the risk of various chronic diseases.
Medications, which can help prevent the immune system from flaring up, not only help ease the symptoms of Crohn's disease, but also allow the digestive tract to heal.
A constellation of diseases that involve chronic inflammation of your small intestine and colon, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) occurs when your immune system goes into overdrive and views food, bacteria and other normal residents of your digestive tract as invaders.
Furthermore, this continuous «survival mode» means that the stress - response system is activated for too long, disrupting almost all your body's processes and putting you at greater risk of many health problems like anxiety, depression, heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, migraines, weight problems and memory impairment.
There is also an emerging consensus that most disease originates in your digestive system, and this includes conditions that impact your brain, your heart, your weight and your immune system, among others.
Fibre is responsible for keeping the digestive system in check and also plays a role in stabilising blood glucose levels and cholesterol which contributes to the prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
Celiac disease symptoms usually involve the intestines and digestive system, but they can also affect other parts of the body.
If you are too acidic — something that happens frequently during our holiday overindulgences — you are at higher risk for digestive issues, heart disease, infertility, joint and muscular pain, and a weak immune system.
Dr. Fasano shows how celiac disease can have effects on all areas of the body, not just the digestive system, and discusses new research on the neurological and psychiatric / behavioral effects of gluten.
If you are experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, pain, joint issues, visceral problems (including digestive, hormonal, respitory) and you are not addressing your nervous systems's role in these symptoms and disease states then you won't get optimum outcomes!
Lectins can wreak havoc on your digestive tract causing leaky gut and a compromised immune system, leading to inflammation and a host of autoimmune diseases.
But don't immediately jump to conclusions, you may just have gum disease or gingivitis, but if your teeth and gums are perfectly fine and don't bleed then you may well have a bacterial issue somewhere in your digestive system.
Supplementing our diet with fermented foods offers us these health benefits: it can help to reduce high cholesterol levels in our blood, it strengthens and supports our digestive and immune systems — thereby helping our bodies to fight off and prevent diseases, like cancer.
From strengthening your digestive and immune systems to helping you prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more, coconut oil is truly a multi-faceted healthy food that everyone should add to their daily regimen.
Every disease begins in the gut and we have to look at the digestive system when we try to treat any degenerative disease no matter how unrelated it may seem to to the condition.
Autoimmune diseases in the digestive system like Crohn's disease are almost always accompanied by reduced permeability of the intestinal wall.
This damage won't necessarily be limited to your digestive system, as gluten most notably negatively impacts the thyroid and triggers autoimmune diseases (10).
A therapy loaded with carbohydrates will promote good insulin response, however, many people with degenerative disease have degrees of carbohydrate intolerance due to their weakened digestive system.
Powder is a good starter form for introducing probiotic supplements into your system for those with serious digestive disease.
-- Contributes to the digestive system health and acts like a treatment for Chron disease, ulcerative colitis and other IBD diseases (inflammatory bowel disease).
Butyrate, which is a form of butyric acid, has been shown to reduce inflammation in the digestive system and has been used as a treatment for Crohn's disease (3).
However, a task for the future will be to estimate the amount of glycine that can be supplied by microorganisms present in the digestive tract, which we have been unable to consider in the present study due to the absence of suitable data, but which may well affect the varying frequency of collagen - related diseases in animals with different systems of digestion.
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