Sentences with phrase «digit temperatures not»

I spent most of the day taking down the Christmas decorations with football playing in the background and single digit temperatures not common in the South.

Not exact matches

That's why Emin Buzhunashvili, owner of the local Mr. Delivery franchise, is now leaning out the window of his Jeep Cherokee in single - digit temperatures on a winter night, shining an LED flashlight at the Victorians along Terrace Avenue, trying not to beam anyone's windows.
The sun is shining here today and spring can't be far behind, even though our temperatures have been in the single digits at night.
But I couldn't start baking with pumpkin when the temperatures were still in the triple digits.
98.6 º is the normal body temperature, so if you stick a thermometer into an orifice and get a readout that doesn't match those three special digits, it's time to start worrying.
Temperatures in the single digits did not stop New Yorkers from joining the No Pants Subway Ride, an annual prank that saw plenty of straphangers shedding bottom layers.
«Parents whose homes are still without electricity don't know how they're going to keep their kids warm tonight as temperatures are predicted to dip into the single digits.
Single digit temperatures couldn't stand in the way of World of Inquiry Students marching through downtown Friday.
If greenhouse - gas emissions are not curtailed, heat - related deaths in Chicago alone could rise tenfold by the end of the century, government scientists say, and the Midwest and the South could swelter with triple - digit temperatures for much of the year, leading to more heatstroke and other heat - related illness and death.
Temperatures around the Arctic are running double digits higher than normal, and readings in northern Greenland popped above the freezing mark over the weekend — «which as far as we know hasn't happened before,» Francis said.
Before a historically cold NFC playoff game, then Minnesota Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer commented on how his team prepared for the single - digit temperatures stating that, «you can deal with the cold as long as you don't let it affect you mentally».
I promised myself not to take outfit pictures on days when the temperature is single digits but then I wore this red cardigan (a vintage gift I unboxed from Hollis Eve Co!)
Single digit temperatures don't happen and when they do we get a little weird (#putonalltheclothes) so after foregoing outfit pictures on day 1 & 2 of our little southern deep freeze this is what I wore on the «warm» 20 degree day.
One side effect of the recent cold snap, during which morning temperatures hovered somewhere between the freezing point and single digits, was noted by copy editor Rusty Blackwell, who found that «stop / start doesn't activate much, if at all, in the cold December temperatures
I think the average could have been higher if Michigan had not experienced a cold snap where temperatures fell to single digits at times, causing the engine to run longer to keep the vehicle warm.
Your doctor's office will quote a baseline temperature several digits long for when you should bring your baby in for an exam or not — those additional decimal points make a difference with babies.
When temperatures plummet to single digits, you do not have to worry about turning into a snow man while your pampered pooch takes his time to eliminate in the snow.
Oh, and we haven't seen double - digit temperatures in a week or two now, unless they started with a minus sign.
I am always spray painting... here in Ontario Canada this summer has been very hot and we have had many days of triple digit temperatures... but hot or not — I spray paint all year round... if its cold I have the hubby turn the heat on in the garage... I must have 25 cans of spray paint on the go...
And it's not marked so much by a change in temperature because, although lower, we're still getting 3 - digit numbers.
We had an arctic blast with single digit temperatures and snow last week that kept me indoors and inspired me to do some winter nesting.
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