Sentences with phrase «digital advertisements»

"Digital advertisements" refers to promotional messages or commercials that are displayed on digital platforms, such as websites, social media, or mobile applications, rather than traditional forms like print or television. Full definition
It gives you the opportunity to view digital advertisements and get discounted purchases on particular items.
Attorneys are able to purchase premium positioning in relevant searches as well as traditional digital advertisements.
SEO and paid digital advertisement is a continuous, non-stop process that requires a web and marketing firm that can deliver today and every day.
Marketing Genius Program — this online advertising program manages digital advertising on behalf of agents and brokers via available digital advertisement platforms.
A political action committee backed by the Real Estate Board of New York is spending on digital advertisements in key state Senate districts, Board of Elections filings show.
Shim predicts that in the next two years, «measuring omnichannel ads to store visits will be as common as thirrd party ad serving on digital advertisements
The committee has been airing targeted digital advertisements against Faso and organizing grassroots groups in the district, Lukaske said.
According to new research by GfK MRI Starch Advertising readers respond to digital advertisements at the same rate as print.
The campaign arm of House Democrats on Monday launched a Spanish - language digital advertisement on Medicare that is meant to target vulnerable Republican lawmakers.
I spoke with Chief Marketing Officer Jeanniey Mullen today and one of the new projects that has seen some success was the new digital advertisement system in select magazines.
Prepared analysis reports determining the effectiveness of digital advertisement campaigns
Digital Advertisement Digital Marketing Consultancy London We are a driven digital marketing consultancy, delivering excellence through innovation and insight.
According to new research by GfK MRI Starch Advertising readers respond to digital advertisements at the same rate as... [Read more...]
Users can, for example, walk past a digital advertisement and purchase the featured product in a matter of seconds just by opening up the Soundpays app or website.
Austin Petersen, who ran for president in 2016 as a Libertarian, has launched a digital advertisement in which he holds a live chicken while challenging Hawley to a debate.
The first proposal would add paid internet and digital advertisements to the state's definition of political communication, which currently encompasses television, print and radio.
The governor's proposals, which mirror legislation pending in Congress, would also expand the state's definition of a political communication — which currently only covers television, radio and newspaper ads — to include paid internet and digital advertisements, requiring them to include statements that say who the buyers are.
The Chamber paid $ 300,000 to The Revolution Agency on April 30th for television and digital advertisements to run from April 30th through May 19th.
The National Republican Congressional Committee on Tuesday launched a digital advertisement pointing out the similarities between Pennsylvania's Democratic Congressional nominee Conor Lamb and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) in their «crumby words» used to attack Republican tax reform.
Voting and Other Reforms Leading up to his speech Cuomo unveiled parts of his «Democracy Agenda,» which aims to protect the integrity of elections, requires transparency for digital advertisements, and enact voting reforms.
It's not uncommon for crooks who peddle stolen credit cards to seize on iconic American figures of wealth and power in the digital advertisements for The legality of prostitution in Europe varies by country.
Between your website, digital advertisements, email marketing, reminder platforms and print pieces, these initiatives, and their associated costs add up quickly.
This data is later used to display targeted content, which is to a great extent similar to digital advertisements.
More specifically, The Whisper Network will utilize this original DAG technology to provide an advanced platform to help clients target their digital advertisements for a wide variety of businesses and industries.
The firm designed target audiences for digital advertisements and fundraising efforts, modeled voter turnout, purchased $ 5 million in television ads, and determined where the president should travel to garner more support.
Under the guidance of Brad Parscale, Trump's digital director in 2016, CA performed a variety of services including designing target audiences for digital advertisements and fund - raising appeals, modelling voter turnout, buying $ 5 million in television ads and determining where Trump should travel to best drum up support.
Designed billboard, print, and digital advertisements to promote business and grow web presence using Adobe Photoshop
• GIF Flash Banner ads — These digital advertisements feature unique messaging to the same three audiences as the print postcards.
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