Sentences with phrase «digital copy of one's book»

As an aside I did a group newsletter swap that resulted in 360 emails in 15 days in exchange for free digital copies of book one.
Traditional publishers will lower prices: Way back in 2009, there were calls for publishers to start selling digital copies of books for $ 4.
As always, if you want a free digital copy of the book when it comes out, you can get one by subscribing to the email newsletter.
You also can't hand out or sell digital copies of your book when you speak.
However, many traditional bookstores are now selling e-readers as well as digital copies of books.
We ONLY receive free digital copies of books in exchange for a fair and honest review — period.
You're going to be giving away digital copies of your book — for free — to every single of them.
For people who are helpful in this process, I will send them a FREE digital copy of the book once it is all finished.
The winners get help from the libraries in the form of book readings and signings, and purchasing print and digital copies of the book for patrons.
So sign up now so that you can get a free digital copy of this book when it is released.
I understand the significant advantage of selling digital copies of books, especially for self - publishing, but nothing beats actually holding a book in your hand.
If you sign up for his newsletter before he releases the book, you can get a free digital copy of the book when it is released.
The new online store allows customers to purchase and read digital copies of books on their PC or Mac, iOS or Android device, or selected ereaders that support Adobe DRM (which doesn't include the market - leading Kindle).
Keith wrote guest posts for blogs, and I managed promotions in which bloggers offered digital copies of the book to their readers.
In an Orwellian moment, Amazon remotely deleted Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm from the Kindles of users who had purchased digital copies of the books.
D. Following termination, our channel partners may still keep digital copies of your book for the sole purpose of supporting their customers who have purchased your book prior to termination, for re-downloads due to errors and other technological reasons or technical related issues.
Everyone who contributes $ 5 or more to the site's Patreon will receive free PDF and Kindle MOBI files of this book, as well as digital copies of the books Contra and Other Konami Classics, Retro Game Super Translation Selection, The Complete Guide to the Famicom Disk System, The Guide to Shoot - Em - Ups Vol.
Well, to make things more interesting DC Comics recently announced that they will start including digital copies of their books that don't ship bi-monthly.
According to Google exec Chris Palma, Google Editions will let you buy digital copies of books you find through Google Book Search.
Book publishers are happy to send digital copies of books to book reviewers.
Sure, there are services like authorgraph where you can request a signed digital copy of your book, but it's just not the same for the author or the book holder.
Alternatively, you can send out early, unproofed digital copies of your book to people who you'd like blurbs or publicity consideration from while you begin the production process.
Amazon has announced a new program that will provide Kindle owners digital copies of books they already own.
Started in 2008, NetGalley found a niche in distributing to reviewers and to many libraries digital copies of books not yet released.
For those who might not be familiar, Overdrive supplies the technological capabilities for libraries all over the world to lend digital copies of books.
Some publishers offers digital copies of their book (either for free or for a very small charge) and you'll get a better copy than what you could scanning the book.
Everyone who contributes $ 5 or more to the site's Patreon will receive free PDF and Kindle MOBI files of this book, as well as digital copies of the books Contra and Other Konami Classics, Retro Game Super Translation Selection, The Complete Guide to the Famicom Disk System, The Sega and Sonic Fan Jam 2016 Fan Book, Sega Arcade Classics Vol.
The number of libraries in the UK offering eBooks is still limited, and the management of digital copies is still hilariously archaic, but that the ability to «borrow» digital copies of books for free is there at all goes a massive way to compensating for the frankly abysmal options for purchasing eBooks for a Sony Reader.
Threads would occasionally pop up asking why Baen wasn't selling digital copies of their books and, occasionally, someone would point the person asking the question to the Baen site where e-books could be bought.
Later this year, the publisher will begin offering a free digital copy of some books with the purchase of the hard cover edition from a wide variety of chain and independent book stores, starting with the new release When She Woke by Hillary Jordan.
Of course, if you want a free digital copy of the book, I will send one out to everyone on my mailing list when I officially release the book in January... so if you are not already subscribed, do so today and use the sharing buttons below to tell your friends about it!
(Sign up for the newsletter to get a free digital copy of this book when it is released.)
If you want to get a digital copy of this book for free, you must subscribe now!
And just for signing up you get a FREE digital copy of Skeleton Church, and then every time I put out a new eBook, you get a free digital copy of that book as well.
Of course, if you want a free digital copy of the book, I will send one out to everyone on my mailing list when I officially release the book in January... so if you are not already subscribed, do so today and tell your friends about it!
And today she is offering a free digital copy of her book, Healing Hashimoto's Naturally.
Whether you've written a dating guide or an erotic novel, you can use NetGalley as a platform to build your readership by offering a digital copy of your book during the pre - or post-publication period.
This course includes powerful learning modules focused on each of the six strategies, a virtual tool kit featuring multimedia presentations, video examples, and a digital copy of the book The Core Six: Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence with the Common Core.
It appears that self - publishing is the way of the future due to the availability of technology that can have a digital copy of a book downloaded for a fraction of the cost of a printed version.
This is done when the publisher doesn't have a digital copy of the book.
We accept print and digital copies of books.
When users receive their digital copy of the book, their personal information is embedded inside.
Imagine that she's going to sell 2,000 digital copies of her book a year, every year, for five years, at which point it tails off and she sells only 500 digital copies of her book a year for the remainder of the life of the contract.
For similar reasons, the fourth recommendation of this review is that digital copies of books should «deteriorate,» ensuring libraries repurchase after a certain number of loans.
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