Sentences with phrase «digital footage»

The Axon name comes from the business unit that sells police body cameras, patrol car cameras and the software for managing the hours of digital footage they generate.
This course is now ON DEMAND and you will have access to digital footage focused on asana, meditation, short lectures, interviews, a live webinar, and opportunities for self reflection that can all be completed at your own pace.
Dean is now instrumental in preserving analogue film, a medium she believes is capable of capturing the physical movement of time passing, in a way that digital footage never can.
The Forbidden Room was shot mostly at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, piecemeal, in front of a live audience, following which Maddin and Johnson artfully distressed the digital footage and added priceless intertitles.
He used none of the digital footage in the entire final cut of the movie.
KAHLIL JOSEPH — SHADOW PLAY, Joseph's first solo show in New York City, features the premiere of FLY PAPER (2017), a film installation that pays tribute to Roy DeCarava (1919 — 2009)-- photographer of jazz and Harlem life — and «extends DeCarava's virtuosity with chiaroscuro effects to the moving image and brings together a range of film and digital footage to contemplate the dimensions of -LSB-...]
KAHLIL JOSEPH — SHADOW PLAY, Joseph's first solo show in New York City, features the premiere of FLY PAPER (2017), a film installation that pays tribute to Roy DeCarava (1919 — 2009)-- photographer of jazz and Harlem life — and «extends DeCarava's virtuosity with chiaroscuro effects to the moving image and brings together a range of film and digital footage to contemplate the dimensions of past, present, and future in Harlem and New York City.»
With Fly Paper, Joseph extends DeCarava's virtuosity with chiaroscuro effects to the moving image and brings together a range of film and digital footage to contemplate the dimensions of past, present, and future in Harlem and New York City.
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