Sentences with phrase «digital scans»

Services range from digital scanning of printed documents, to cover design, to customized fiction and non-fiction formatting.
Taking digital scans of his models, which include prominent historical sculptures and contemporary art - world figures, he uses a computer to manipulate and ultimately carve the sculptures.
In addition to these striking and beautiful figures, the artist has also produced a suite of large - scale prints made using the same digital scans.
In developing the algorithm, Vogel and Qifan Li, a former Master's student at Waterloo, bought 3D digital scans of «average» looking people.
Currently, preservationists have removed the binding for the Jefferson Bible and are doing digital scans of all of the pages of the book to be included as part of the display later this year.
Thanks to Luciana at Jessica Chastain Network, you can find digital scans in the gallery.
More specifically, using digital scans of paper maps based on aerial imagery acquired by the U.S. Geological Survey, along with modern - day satellite imagery from a variety of platforms, the authors digitized a total of 49 maps and images from which they calculated changes in the terminus positions, ice speed, calving rates and ice front advance and retreat rates from 34 glaciers in this region over the period 1955 - 2015.
Also, with digital scanning and screening of resumes, it is even more important to have the right format, for any software to read and shortlist your resume for the next step.
Toy Soldier # 3 (Crawling Soldier), 2004 3 - D digital scanning, CNC digital sculpting, reinforced fiberglass, pigmented resin 18 x 102 x 36 inches collection of the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
5 digital Scans from Backstage Magazine (March 8, 2018) have been added to the gallery.
1DollarScan, a cost - effective digital scanning service that recently announced its integration with EverNote, as the name implies, announced yesterday its newly unveiled membership service plan for users with high - volume digitization needs.
The presentation consists respectively of a series of images made from semitransparent pieces of tint foil mounted on sheets of glass, a selection of inkjet prints based on digital scans of the same type of plastic film and three shaped aluminium panels scaled according to the Scandinavian research organisation SINTEF's estimates for the dimensions and spatial requirements of the human body.
The Cambridge Library Collection, which launched on Monday, uses digital scanning technology to reissue works readers would otherwise have to travel to far - flung libraries to consult.
The LignoStation follows a new concept: It produces high resolution digital scans, directly and automatically.
I started making paintings that layered photography with watercolor and oil paint in 1997 when digital scanning and archival printing were at their nascency.
Laric's commission uses the latest digital scanning methods to render some of Lincoln's most treasured and historic sculptures in highly - detailed 3D.
The pictures show digital scanning electron micrographs of part of a butterfly wing.
During his PhD he worked on three main projects: digital scanned laser light sheet fluorescence microscopy (with Dr. Ernst Stelzer), the in toto reconstruction of zebrafish embryogenesis (with Dr. Jochen Wittbrodt), and the computational analysis of the evolution of the yeast genome architecture (with Dr. Michael Knop).
Jaguar Classic used both original drawings as well as high - tech digital scans of extant XKSS vehicles to develop its «New Original» line.
Amazon is working on its Kindle Library Lending project with OverDrive, which provides digital scanning of books and other content for U.S. public and school libraries.
In fact, a few weeks ago it was revealed that pirates had hacked Marvel's own site to get new digital scans even before they became commercially available.
In his recent video, Robertson refers to BioWare's heavy use of a new «cyber scan technology,» which generates digital scans of people or objects and creates an in - game 3D model.
When loading the manuals for Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, and Game Boy Advance games, the player is able to look through digital scans of the game's original instruction manual.
Bui's 110 Fathoms incorporates digital scanning and photo manipulation techniques to create a dream - like portrait.
These works number more than three hundred digital scanned collages: images of stopped time; glimpses into the metamorphoses of matter drifting in an eternal stream.
Fascinated by the absence of the tree, she studied the architects digital scans with the hope of making a work in response to its loss:
With older items, there may be problems with the quality of the print originals used for digital scanning.
Using 3D digital scanning along with 3D printing, Metamason's mission is to offer a wide range of custom medical products that offer a comfortable, one - of - a-kind fit.
Designed, 8 of 12 PCB's used in the Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared Night System («LANTIRN») digital scan converter.
They took pictures, did digital scans, probably even imprints.
It is fascinating that we can learn more about items in The Novium's collection using new technology such as 3D digital scanning
Trophy (Baseball # 1), 2009 3 - D digital Scan, CNC Sculpting, bronze and chrome / 84 x 65 x 29 in.
Digital scans from the magazine have been added to the gallery, be sure to take a look.
The Cantor plans to make digital scans of all the sketchbook pages for access by students and other scholars and to exhibit selected drawings as part of a show devoted to artists» sketchbooks in 2015.
3D polyester printed digital scan and salt, detail courtesy the artist and Clint Roenisch Gallery
Future Print a new one: 3 - D printers and digital scanning technology are close to offering easy ways to make and reproduce custom dental products like crowns and veneers.
Bennett says research will continue using the team's high - resolution digital scans, a permanent record of the trackways: «No scientific data has been lost.»
Ultimate Ears is also said to be rolling out a program in some areas that uses digital scans of the inner ear and 3D printing for a quicker turnaround, but either way, expect to pay a little extra for your impressions to be made.
It translates that in real - time so the face in the game is a 3D digital scan of Melina.»
Why you should care: With the tagline «Store your key now, thank yourself later,» KeyMe lets users share and duplicate their physical keys based on a digital scan that they stored in the cloud.
Winnetka beachgoers have long paid for season passes, but previously those passes did not require photos or digital scanning.
«But much like our electronic voting machines, our digital scans and other things, there was pilots done on those before we moved to those.»
All lab, office, and cubicle work stations have access to the Internet, the Women & Infants network, digital scanning and color printing.
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