Sentences with phrase «digital scheduling app»

While I am a big pen and paper person, I also use a digital scheduling app to plan my content.

Not exact matches

Samantha Biron, who teaches time management workshops for Performance Management Consultants in Ottawa, describes time - auditing apps as just the latest in a line of tools designed to help people get organized, going back to personal digital assistants and scheduling software.
Determined to create a digital - age school culture, she began modeling use of apps and other technologies in faculty meetings, man - dated monthly teacher peer observations of tech - leader colleagues, provided extra training opportunities for innovators, and created a schedule with time to share best practices.
While it may seem a little far - fetched, Marvel may not think so — when you consider smartphones full of heart - rate monitors and schedules and emails and access to the Internet (not to mention the ability for communication between other external devices throughout your home), the concept of a «portal app turned digital assistant» makes good sense... and who wouldn't want to feel like one of the Avengers?
QuickBooks has hundreds of integrations, including apps for scheduling, timekeeping, invoicing, and digital commerce.
Scheduled app and file scanning ensures that your smartphone's data is safe, and many additional features are available to help keep your digital world secure.
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