Sentences with phrase «digital single market»

In conclusion, a fully functional digital single market is a crucial feature for the European business, including the British one.
The Google and (to a lesser extent) Qualcomm cases can be seen as logical cases in the context of the Commission's overall Digital Single Market strategy.
The Assembly unites all member associations to build a joint vision, reshaping the future of the European digital single market area.
His colleague Margrethe Vestager, the competition commissioner, is currently considering what she should do, and digital single market chief Andrus Ansip is coordinating them both.
The European Union, for example, has drawn a sharp distinction between the treatment of personal data — now subject to the General Data Privacy Regulations — and non-personal data, for which the EU's Digital Single Market mandates free flow across borders.
Have the EU Commission's digital single market proposals become something of a white elephant, with many being shelved and others stalled?
Booksellers all over Europe fully support the objectives of the Commission's Digital Single Market Strategy and are very keen to take advantage of this opportunity to put more e-books in the hands of as many readers as possible, all over Europe.
For example, the changes to unitary patents are pertinent to any company seeking pan-European patent coverage, whereas the now likely exclusion of the UK from the European Digital Single Market, will be more acutely felt in the UK.
Oettinger's boss, digital single market chief Andrus Ansip, also said on Tuesday that he was «not ready to say that they will have to be broken up, talking about vertically integrated structures» — a comment not explicitly aimed at Google, which is being investigated by competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager, but pretty obviously made in reference to that case.
«Unfortunately, the Court has given member states more room to thwart the Digital Single Market through restrictive, disproportionate and unjustified measures at national level.»
An earlier draft of the Commission's mid-term review of its digital single market strategy showed it was considering legislation on how companies should take down hate speech and incitement to violence, but that idea has been scrapped.
It's a polite way of warning the government that the UK urgently need to ensure the Digital Single Market works for us in Europe, and be wary of putting our artists and creators at the mercy of developing ones.
The DCMS response the European Commission AVSMD consultation stated that «the country of origin principle (COO) is a fundamental and critical precondition for the generation of a Digital Single Market in content; it is the core of the directive and must not be lost or eroded».
Industry figures are particularly concerned about Britain potentially removing itself from the Digital Single Market (DSM), which is currently being negotiated at the EU and expected to be agreed before our March 2019 exit date.
Both options put forward in a European Commission paper, A Fair and Efficient Tax System in the European Union for the Digital Single Market, published 21/9/17.
Ensuring safe and satisfactory online shopping experience for all customers is part of the EU policy objectives linked to consumer protection and the Digital Single Market.
The European Comission revealed yesterday that it would hold an antitrust competition inquiry into the e-commerce sector in the European Union, as part of 16 initiatives on a digital single market to be delivered by the end of next year.
We urge the European Commission and the Federal Government, therefore, to ensure the implementation of the strategy for a digital single market and in the reform of copyright for legal equality between digital and analogue goods and thus for legal certainty.»
The European Commission revealed that it would hold an an antitrust competition inquiry into the e-commerce sector in the European Union, as part of 16 initiatives on a digital single market to be delivered by the end of next year.
As for the EU, they are working on improving the international copyright laws concerning digital content in order to create a Digital Single Market.
On the way to Europe's Digital Single Market, booksellers are alarmed by proposed EU legislation on geo - blocking and its potential effects on ebook sales.
Before the Digital Single Market law you couldn't watch let's say a movie with Polish subtitles while visiting Spain for example (been there, done that) which sucked really hard especially if the things you were watching weren't in English (or other languages that you know).
Not only will the SMIT contribute to the development and functioning of economic sectors where common EU policies have already been established (such as the common agricultural policy, common transport policy, Union policy on energy), but it will also affect fast - moving markets, new economic activities and new business models, all of which are relevant to today's Digital Single Market, also known as the Single Market 2.0.
It remains to be seen whether the Commission — in the spirit of its digital single market ambitions — will indeed take up the Court's invitation handed out in both judgments...
Andrus Ansip, Commission Vice-President for the Digital Single Market, said: «We have approved the new EU-U.S. Privacy Shield today.
On this occasion, the President of the European Commission Jean - Claude Juncker, President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani and Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat, on behalf of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union underlined in a statement that «the end of roaming charges is at the foundation of the EU's Digital Single Market and is another step towards building a united and sustainable European digital society, accessible for all our citizens.»
A more flexible interpretation of the EU copyright rules and an interpretation of the copyright acquis in a more harmonious way would already contribute much to addressing the issues raised by the Digital Single Market Strategy of the European Commission, which tackles as one of its goals the modernization of the EU copyright rules.
The EU Commission's Digital Single Market Strategy is a wide - ranging and ambitious proposal to reform the digital market place within the EU.
How will the Brexit vote affect the development of the digital single market or the future funding of scientific research?
However, there is a bigger legal problem that possibly looms large on the horizon — the «Digital Single Market».
The Commission adopted the final report on the e-commerce sector inquiry on 10 May 2017 in the context of its Digital Single Market strategy mid-term review.
The end of Geo - Blocking has been a priority for the EU in the creation of a digital single market.
In the meantime, fresh challenges will be faced with rights positions being affected by the proposals coming through from Brussels in relation to the Digital Single Market, including the introduction of the portability regulations next summer.
The «Copyright Package» contains a new proposal for a Directive on Copyright in Digital Single Market that tackles the issue of transfer of value.
The aim of the DSM Strategy was to create a Digital Single Market, where the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured — and where citizens and businesses can seamlessly and fairly access online goods and services: whatever their nationality, and wherever they live.
The European Commission's Digital Single Market Strategy («DSM Strategy») was published in May 2015 and included a set of 16 targeted initiatives and actions to be delivered by the end of this year.
However, antitrust law could be significantly impacted by changes to EU intellectual property rules as part of the Digital Single Market initiative, as the Commission seeks to promote cross-border trade.
The measures also feed into the Digital Single Market Strategy and deliver on the actions announced in the Online Platform Communication of May 2017.
It would also benefit the development of the Digital Single Market and reduce the cost of compliance with a multitude of rules for online platforms, including for new entrants.
The businesses that do so will play an important role in pushing the EU towards its ideal of the Digital Single Market.
Fortunately, the implementation of the eIDAS regulations on July 1st embodies a significant step in the right direction in terms of encouraging the adoption of electronic signatures and pushing the region closer to the ideal of the Digital Single Market.
A strong, clear and uniform legal framework at EU level will help to unleash the potential of the Digital Single Market and foster economic growth, innovation and job creation.»
Presented as part of the Digital Single Market, the regulation to end unjustified geoblocking was first proposed in the ecommerce package, together with legislation on cross-border parcel delivery services, to be voted on in March 2018, and a law to strengthen enforcement of consumers» rights, which was already approved by parliament in November 2017.
The data protection reform is a key enabler of the Digital Single Market which the Commission has prioritised.
Presented as part of the Digital Single Market, the regulation to end unjustified geoblocking was first proposed in the ecommerce package, together with legislation on
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