Sentences with word «digitised»

«We do not like the facts in this recent Koh Tao case and we do not believe the Thai court has convicted the actual murderers,» the figure said, speaking in a digitised voice.
«If an IR offers a better price, there would a tendency to push a customer to get his / her policy digitised with that particular entity.
The regulator is now mulling on making digitised policies mandatory for insurance with a premium of above Rs 50,000.
Though Irda has only allowed life insurance policies to be digitised first, regulatory officials added that non-life policies like health and motor would also be allowed to be digitised in the near future.
CAMSRep, he said has digitised 70,000 policies across 380 plus locations.
S V Ramanan, chief executive officer of CAMS Repository Service (CAMSRep) said that 1,10,000 policies have been digitised, but he added that many customers are not aware of this process.
However, not even 10 per cent of the total number of policies in the industry has been digitised due to both the reluctance of some industry players because of costs involved and the customers, who still prefer physical policy documentation.
Not even 10 % of all policies in the industry have been digitised, due to resistance from both, industry players and customers
Industry officials said that in their meeting with Irda in March, they had expressed some concerns about the need to have digitised products and tying up with all the five insurance repositories.
Lastly, and most importantly, is it secure and how can you take your colleagues along this digitised journey?
This FREE event (with time for networking, drinks and canapes) with high - calibre technology experts will showcase what lies ahead and what your firm needs to do to be prepared for a digitised future.
Many online resources such as digitised images and full text government publications can also be accessed immediately online.»
Hardly — in our digitised, risk - super-sensitive, insurance - strangled, society where seemingly only entitlement matters and contribution is ignored, the UK may be free to make laws without EU interference, but the influence of insurance, health and safety, Freedom of Information, Data Protection Act, and PC attitudes will be undiminished, EU or no EU.»
It will bring together thought leaders from across the sector to discuss the social, technical and ethical issues that arise in the digitised world, especially trust and privacy.
As an aside — the first digitised version of the ICLRs was produced by a commercial provider, Justis (the same people who provide the only online version of the International Law Reports).
Because their raw materials were digitised, and their output could be delivered in electronic form, it was thought that Librarians, Journalists and Lawyers would / should be willing participants in the highly anticipated Tech «Revolution».
Paul Falvey said: «There needs to be a coherent tax strategy that deals with the challenges of inter-generational fairness; one that supports growth and protects the tax base in a globally mobile and digitised economy.
The librarians they faced were bemused, genuinely expecting the digitised souped - up new service to be cheaper; the pressure on library budgets was always to cut them.
It didn't occur to publishers that spend on legal IT and by practice support lawyers (PSLs) and partners direct could trump this digitised content if and when it did arrive, let alone trump it quite comprehensively.
It's possibly a result of not allowing books to be borrowed that there is still such an amazing, huge, and intact collection which can be digitised... The material that is being digitised here at Oxford is from the 19th century, pre 1870; it has included some 15,000 volumes from the law collection.
These images were taken from the pages of 17th, 18th and 19th century books digitised by Microsoft who then generously gifted the scanned images to us, allowing us to release them back into the Public Domain.
Free provision of the materials that are digitised can only happen when funds are forthcoming from generous donors.
Beneath this is the label Digitized Copies, and a number in parentheses, denoting the number of digitised copies.
These pdfs are available to everyone, and if you search SOLO, the Bodleian catalogue, for a 19th century book, there may be an option under the title for the «digitised version», which will open up the pdf.
[19] There were no material differences between the digitised and data values for ΔT, so I used only the data values, which were more precise.
For the oceans, the International Comprehensive Ocean - Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) has been extended by blending the former COADS with the UK's Marine Data Bank and newly digitised data, including the US Maury Collection and Japan's Kobe Collection.
Digitised records for the whole country date back to 1910 and data for the Central England Temperature record dates back to 1654 - the world's longest instrumental record.
A comparison of the stated values with those calculated from the ΔT, ΔF and ΔQ data and from digitised values for ΔF − ΔQ is given in Table 3.
The 1906 Eversleigh Fahrenheit temperature recordings have been digitised (Excel 49kb) and this field book is typical of whole degree rounding proportions at most Australian weather stations in the Fahrenheit era.
The dataset employs the latest analysis techniques and takes advantage of digitised observational data to provide a daily record of Australian temperatures over the last 100 years.
It should be noted that, in most cases where there are known undigitised daily data, the digitised monthly (monthly - mean) data for the period concerned are available through the Bureau's website.
An additional point on available digitised records relates to the discoverability of disparate historical records.
Approximately 15 ACORN - SAT locations may have paper records of daily temperature data available but which are yet to be digitised.
Most of this information is recorded on paper files held by the Bureau of Meteorology and National Archives and has not been digitised.
The vast majority of these observations have been subsequently digitised (entered into an electronic database) at the monthly timescale.
Observational climate datasets are regularly updated to include newly digitised historical paper records and improved analysis techniques.
The Bureau's climate data experts have carefully analysed the digitised data to create a consistent — or homogeneous — record of daily temperatures over the last 100 years.
Daily digitised data are now available back to 1910 or earlier at 60 of the 112 ACORN - SAT locations, as well as at some non-ACORN-SAT locations.
Many historical in situ marine data still remain to be digitised and incorporated into the database, to improve coverage and reduce the uncertainties in our estimates of marine climatic variations.
It has been estimated that as much pre-1950 data remains undigitised as has already been digitised.
It will be very useful when all this material is digitised, reading handwriting is not always easy.
ICOADS has been a focal point for gathering newly digitised marine data, but a lot of that work has been put on hold in the current financial situation.
One problem of course is that not all rural electrification schemes involve digitised PAYG mechanisms and mobile money platforms.
The CRU decided that the data they digitised was adequate for their purpose.
Unfortunately much of the past has not yet been digitised.
I have remarked in the past that if climate material has not been digitised it doesn't exist.
Unfortunately the vast majority of material has not been digitised so is invisible to the internet based commentator.
The trouble is that the vast majority of historic printed work is not digitised.
A decentralised, decarbonised and digitised energy ecosystem can save us from the catastrophe of climate change, writes Chandu Visweswariah
It simplifies them, abstracts them as objects, little unreal figures, digitised peasants populating the...
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