Sentences with phrase «dignity of every human being»

They have reliably and effectively fought for dignity of human beings, for integrity of nature and the harmonious and collaborative work of humans and nature: with strong words and with impressive examples!
Glenn Tinder may be right when, in Political Thinking, he wonders whether a conviction of the innate dignity of every human being can be sustained without the ancillary claim that persons (and therefore their freedom) are valuable because every human being is created in the image of God.
The fact is that the wanton cruelty of the arena, the official sadism if you will, and the excitation of blood - lust, was considerably diminished after Christianity proclaimed the inherent dignity of each human being.
In his editorial «Pro-Life Strategy and Arguments for the Soul» (Faith, March — April 2007), the editor of this magazine noted that documents of the Church usually rest her rejection of abortion on the argument that it «undermines the inalienable dignity of every human being» without saying where we get this dignity from.
That constitutes, according to the fathers of the Church, the special dignity of human beings, and it should have been treated by Jenson in the section on «human personhood.»
While sometimes church involvement in education has seemed to be self - interested and seen as a way of propagating the faith, at its best it represents a Christian concern for the full dignity of the human being.
The equal dignity of all human beings, the freedom of the act of faith as the root of all the other civil freedoms, -LSB-...] are likewise central elements of the Christian Revelation that continue to model the European Civilisation.
With the difference being that we both understand and accept the inherent individual dignity of the human being, Christians are able to effectively attack the eugenics agenda that still holds sway in the progressive bioethics world.
Achieving a deeper understanding the human person is becoming increasingly important in a culture that no longer recognises the inviolable dignity of every human being.
Appeals to the universal dignity of human beings often seem quite ineffective against this strong identification with particular groups.
On this day, many social justice organizations, visionary leaders and individuals reaffirm their commitment to social change and dedication to taking action in promoting the rights and dignity of all human beings equally.
This approach to pro-life propaganda characteristically goes on to affirm that in addition to killing an innocent person, abortion undermines the inalienable dignity of every human being, adults as well as the unborn.
They have not located the dignity of human beings in a self - modifying freedom that knows no limit and that need never respect a limit which it can, in principle, transgress.
It affirmed the dignity of all human beings.
She persuasively argues that the late Pope's approach to modern society relied on both «Marxism's critical theory of capitalism as a socio - economic system based on injustices, and Personalism's espousal of the uniqueness and dignity of every human being».
We have every reason to value the dignity of human beings, and to praise the faculty of reason as something given to us by a loving God.
If God made us, and took on our flesh in Jesus, then there can be no doubting the dignity of human beings.
There is a certain nobility and dignity of human beings that sets him above the animal kingdom, which we can find in the great works of art they produce and the humanitarian gestures that are performed.
The material is accurate, straight forward in telling it how it is, yet deeply respectful of the dignity of the human being.
Andrea Fraile is a Sister of the Gospel of Life, a Glasgow - based religious community who describe their main apostolate as «the promotion of the dignity of the human being, particularly as regards the role of the family, the sanctity of motherhood, a renewed understanding of the complementarity of the sexes and catechesis».
It is in this context that he mentions the second half of the Forum's agenda: «Only by starting with the recognition of the centrality of the person and the dignity of each human being -LSB-...] can we find a common ground for building a more fraternal world, a world in which -LSB-...] the devastating power of ideologies is neutralised.»
«The Catholic Church, which considers man redeemed by Christ as her way» (cf. Encyclical «Letter Redemptor hominis, n. 14), insists that the recognition of the dignity of the human being as a person from the moment of conception also be guaranteed by law.»
The significance of Whiteheadian thought for an understanding of the nature of man lies in its ability to justify many of qualities necessary to the dignity of the human being, such as freedom, self - respect, self - creation, and responsibility.
We ought to seek a fuller understanding of the Church's teaching on sex and marriage, particularly why practices such as contraception, abortion and IVF go against the dignity of the human being and are therefore morally and intrinsically evil.
How often is the dignity of human beings ranked lower than that of animals.
Bernice King told Italian press: «The words that the pope recalled of my father, those which resonate in his heart, of peace, non-violence, respect for the dignity of every human being, the centrality of what is human, is truly crucial today.»
Andrea Fraile is a Sister of the Gospel of Life, a UK - based religious community who describe their main apostolate as «the promotion of the dignity of the human being, particularly as regards the role of the family, the sanctity of motherhood, a renewed understanding of the complementarity of the sexes and catechesis».
How can one understand the concept of justice in evaluating the dignity of the human being without falling into the trap of meaningless rhetoric and empty sloganeering?
In that sense the divine forgiveness offered in Christ is deeply social in character, and provides the source, the criterion and goal of the struggle everywhere today for new societies which can do justice to the dignity of the human being.
And we preserve the rights of countries to determine their own policies about abortion, so that everyone can work together to build a culture where the dignity of every human being is respected from conception.
By doing so we strengthen the dignity of human beings and sharpen the conscience of people.
Much of modern thought has abandoned not only the word soul but also any ontological grounding for the worth and dignity of human beings.
Religions can rightly claim that these new democratic values which Secular Humanism has brought to light are derived from the religious conceptions of the dignity of human beings in society but which they neglected in the past; and that therefore in assimilating them into their religious reformation they are only claiming their own and preventing their getting perverted in the secularist framework of Materialism and Individualism.
The question of the identity and dignity of the human being is a primordial question, one basic and axiomatic.
He knows that technical progress has made possible «new forms of attacks on the dignity of the human being,» and he even speaks of a new «Promethean attitude» that has helped make possible «a war of the powerful against the weak.»
Central to the moral principles of Torah is the inalienable sanctity and dignity of every human being.
Morality based on the dignity of all human beings was autonomous.
However, I hope that simply reminding ourselves of these central and repeatedly emphasized features of the tradition will suffice to explain how self - evident the dignity of human beings had become in Christendom by the time of the Enlightenment.
If we believe in the worth and dignity of all human beings — both male and female — as image bearers of the living God, then we know full well the work that must be done.
A place where health, human rights, the integrity and dignity of human beings are the main priority of the society and is governed by the fundamental principles of equality, social coexistence, injustice and democracy.
It is about learning that verbal and physical violence, while sometimes understandable, are abuses of power and a failure to respect the dignity of another human being.
What matters most is the dignity of each human being living in place with a reverence for all manner of life that surrounds us.
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