Sentences with phrase «dim afterglow»

Axis of evil The dim afterglow of the Big Bang, known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB), is virtually uniform in all directions.

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After detecting the initial flash, Swift focused on the burst's faint X-ray afterglow, a dim electromagnetic signal emitted when high - energy particles from the blast heat the surrounding material.
Telescopes on Earth spotted the event's afterglow, which faded over several days from bright blue to dimmer red.
Although GRB 000131, like other gamma - ray bursts, appears to have taken place in a remote «early galaxy» (or «sub-galactic clumps» of stars) that is smaller than today's luminous galaxies, astronomers found it difficult to detect that extremely dim, sub-galactic clump of stars even with the Hubble Space Telescope, as the observed fading of the afterglow indicated that the maximum brightness of the gamma - ray emission was explosion was at least 10,000 times brighter than its host galaxy.
This delayed brightening is quite unusual — standard GRB afterglows show dimming instead.
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