Sentences with phrase «dimensional models based»

The tool providing Zhao and her peers this immersive experience: Three - dimensional models based on real human cases.
Three - dimensional models based on real human cases like these allow hands - on experience for surgeons in training.
After running additional experiments on DNA folding, Erez contacted the Molecular Graphics Laboratory (MGL) at The Scripps Research Institute: Could they produce a 3 - dimensional model based on Miriam's numerical simulations?

Not exact matches

New experimental models based on three - dimensional reconstructions of human skin are helping to reduce chemical testing on live animals, but can not yet replace animals altogether
When not base - paired, the IGS was still specifically crosslinked, but the major site was 37 A distant from the reactive site in the experimentally supported three - dimensional model.
Site - specific photo - crosslinking localized the 5» end of the IGS in helix P1 to the vicinity of conserved bases between helices P4 and P5, supporting a major feature of the Michel - Westhof three - dimensional structure model.
Jacobson's research, detailed in a paper published July 30 in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, is based on a three - dimensional computer model simulation of the impacts of biomass burning.
Paleontologists from the University of Bonn, working with Dinosaur Park Münchehagen and the State Museum of Hanover, have now created a three - dimensional digital model based on photographs of the excavation.
Specifically, I am investigating how the cAMP / PKA signaling pathway affects collagen structure and deposition, using a hydrogel - based, three - dimensional culture system to create a model that is more physiologically relevant than one produced by standard two - dimensional tissue culture methods.
By using new techniques based on computerised X-ray micro-tomography (CT scan) and digital three - dimensional modelling, Benoit found that the maxillary canal of therapsids, a bony tube in the snout of the animal that houses the trigeminal nerve, is shorter in therapsids than in reptiles.
The graphic is based on a new model used to produce a three - dimensional simulation of these processes under the influence of Saturn's tidal forces.
Fig. 2c shows our three - dimensional model of thread coiling within hagfish gland thread cells based on insights gleaned from Fig. 2b.
moreover, with some adjustments models, based on electrons on helium systems can be adapted to more complex systems, such as two - dimensional semiconductors.
DIY Designs Shapeways This Netherlands - based company will take your three - dimensional design — a rendering made with the company's creator tool or your own 3 - D model made in programs like Maya — and turn it into a one - off object made of stainless steel or another material.
These signals were then translated into point - and - click commands using two algorithms developed through prior pre-clinical and clinical research: the ReFIT Kalman Filter for continuous two - dimensional cursor control (Gilja et al., 2012, 2015), and a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)- based state classifier for discrete selection («click»)(Kao et al., 2016).
Maloof, Rose and their collaborators teamed up with professionals at Situ Studio, a Brooklyn - based design and digital fabrication studio, to create three - dimensional digital models of two individual fossils that were embedded in the surrounding rock.
Strigul and mathematics postdoctoral researcher Jean Liénard altered a computer modeling approach they originally developed for creating three dimensional representations of land - based forests.
According to the study, which is based on three - dimensional simulations of geodynamos created by turbulent liquids and models of Earth's thermal history, the inner core is believed to have begun solidifying roughly 650 million years ago.
We develop systems of ordinary differential equations to address the generic features of the initial phase of spheroid formation and an agent - based three - dimensional computational model to focus on spatial differences in the process.
Therefore, the numbering of mutated amino acids was based on the human JAK1 sequence, allowing currently used nomenclature for JAK1 protein mutations in literature to be adopted and to localize our JAK1 mutations in the previously described three - dimensional structure model of human JAK1 protein.9
It is based on the definitive books of mouse embryonic development by Theiler (1989) and Kaufman (1992) yet extends these studies by creating a series of three dimensional computer models of mouse embryos at successive stages of development with defined anatomical domains linked by a stage - by - stage ontology of anatomical names.
By creating their own model of DNA, students should understand the component parts (sugar and phosphate «backbone» with complementary base pairs, adenine and thymine, cytosine and guanine) as well as the overall three - dimensional double helix or spiral structure of the molecule.
Toyota has added a new 4.2 - inch TFT screen between the three - dimensional gauges, standard on all models except the base LE trim.
Efficient Advisors» portfolio models will deploy Dimensional's mutual funds to build factor - based portfolios at various levels of risk so advisers can address their clients» goals and needs.
The panel will explore the timeliness of this recent iteration of digital abstraction, with three artists who variously work through issues such as: how gesture, expression, and authenticity might continue to be possible in a contemporary image - based culture; whether our digital era truly produces an ahistorical condition in which images and marks have no specific reference and no relevant point of origin; how structures of and interfaces with digital technologies have necessitated new models for thinking about memory, distribution, and reproduction, as well as degradation, rupture, breakdown, and the void; and how the ubiquity of the screen in all aspects of life has given rise to a renewed interest in the relationship between two - dimensional and three - dimensional space, with a refreshed focus on tromp l'oeil and «topographical» painting.
For the purpose of consideration, «sculpture» refers to any artwork predominantly defined — but not limited by — its three - dimensionality made by carving, modelling, casting or constructing; or any artwork including installation, site - specificity, and which may also include some two - dimensional work, temporal / video - based work, sound - based and / or performance work.
Our estimate is based primarily on our review of a series of calculations with three - dimensional models of the global atmospheric circulation, which is summarized in Chapter 4.
The quantitative analysis for each wall system is based on a three ‐ dimensional energy modeling program and a one ‐ dimensional dynamic heat and moisture (hygrothermal) model.
And further, to be fair, if I came at you with a simple model and suggested that we should tax carbon based on a zero dimensional model, I'll wager that you might ask» what's that model say about sea level rise?»
The model output is evidence of the result of the many processes working together, much as the Pythagorean theorem provides evidence about the hypoteneuses of a large set imperfectly studied right triangles; or long term simulations of the planetary movements based on Newton's laws provide evidence that the orbits are chaotic rather than periodic; or simulations provide evidence that high - dimensional nonlinear dissipative systems are never in equilibrium or steady state even with constant input.
Most CM experiments based on RCPs will be driven by greenhouse gas concentrations (Hibbard et al. 2007).8 Furthermore, many Earth system models do not contain a full atmospheric chemistry model, and thus require exogenous inputs of three - dimensional distributions for reactive gases, oxidant fields, and aerosol loadings.
The simplest is the zero - dimensional model (ZDM) commonly used as a conceptual basis for climate sensitivity and feedback studies.
In a paper on the Energy & Environmental Science web site (17/7/12), meteorologist John Ten Hoeve and environmental engineer Mark Jacobson, both at Stanford University in California have calculated that, based on estimates of the radioactive nuclides released at Fukuhima, a three - dimensional global atmospheric model for radioactive fallout patterns and the linear no - threshold (LNT) model for resultant cancers, there would be between 15 and 1100 linked cancer deaths, with their best estimate being 130 deaths.
It is a global three dimensional interpolation model based on a variety of source measurements including satallites.
Created five 3D (3 dimensional) digital models of existing dwellings at residential lots for client review and made proposed alterations based on client feedback.
Utilize key data warehousing concepts such as ETL processes, data dictionaries, stored procedures, and dimensional modeling on daily basis.
Dimensional Model for Estimating Factors influencing Childhood Obesity: Path Analysis Based Modeling.
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