Sentences with phrase «diminished ovarian reserve»

«Use of donor oocytes is an increasingly common treatment for infertile women with diminished ovarian reserve for whom the likelihood of good perinatal outcome appears to be independent of recipient age.
In women who suffer from a condition known as diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), this number can often be quite low, indicating that there are few remaining follicles within the ovary.
Age and infertility are directly related to a woman's diminishing ovarian reserve, or egg supply.
One of the most commonly treated infertility - related conditions in the US is diminished ovarian reserve, also known as low - egg - count.
It's been linked to estrogen imbalances, menstrual disorders and diminished ovarian reserve.
Gluten intolerance has been linked to altered estrogen levels and consequences such as amenorrhea (no periods for several months), infertility, and diminished ovarian reserve
Honestly, I do nt know if its doing anything for my sub-clinical Hashimotos since my only symptom is hair thinning, dry skin and a diminished ovarian reserve (I know I have it due to results of antibody test).
A blog for all couples fighting Low AMH, diminished ovarian reserve, primary ovarian failure and advanced maternal age related infertility.
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