Sentences with phrase «diminishing returns»

"Diminishing returns" refers to a situation where the benefits or rewards obtained from something decrease as you continue to put in more effort or resources. In simpler terms, it means that the more you do or invest in something, the less you get out of it. Full definition
The annual demand criteria were developed to identify the economic sweet spot in a particular climate between generation and conservation, identifying the point of diminishing returns of envelope upgrades.
However, like it or not, the series has had enjoyed ongoing success, albeit with diminishing returns with each successive instalment post number three.
It is a case of diminishing returns on these scenes, and the filmmakers go to the well about three too many times.
We can see the law of diminishing returns in action here.
The point of diminishing returns for educational outcomes occurs with fewer students than is the case for economic efficiency.
The question then boils down to this: Do insects see diminishing returns from increases in various plant traits?
This game does not appear to have a hard cap, but we've seen diminishing returns on high - end hardware.
All things being equal, efficiency is good, but there is a limitation to efficiency that gives it a point of diminishing returns as a time - management strategy.
Once the travel package starts costing more than $ 12.5 k, however, however, the $ 250 stretches thin, and you begin getting diminishing returns.
Maybe there's a sort of law of diminishing returns at play here.
However, there seems to be a tipping point when six of the nine building blocks are in place, with diminishing returns after that.
We sometimes hear about diminishing returns in cancer research and development in the big pharmaceutical companies.
Basically, there's a point of diminishing returns where a larger caloric deficit produces less fat loss over time as your body fights back harder and harder.
Taking protein in excess of what your body can process only yields diminishing returns.
It makes sense that you are seeing diminishing returns if you have been consistent on the same routine for 12 weeks.
I am suspicious that any long amount of time would give diminishing returns in standing water.
The result: Most insects experienced diminishing returns from an uptick in the levels of a number of plant nutrients.
Conventional movie wisdom would suggest that there can be only diminishing returns with long - running franchises.
While the first - person shooter genre once dominated mainstream release schedules, it has been producing diminishing returns for the last few years.
The law of diminishing returns applies to credit scores and personal loans.
Spend more money, and you'll face diminishing returns.
This first chart shows the earnings per title per day for our catalog size, which seems to show diminishing returns above 16 or so titles.
However, there's a sort of law - of - diminishing returns effect after the novelty of being thrown into a 3D environment wears off.
However, the law of diminishing returns began to kick in, and the Alien franchise became just that: a mere franchise.
When the law of diminishing returns comes into play and the amount of cardio you do can't increase any further, what do you do?
The most valuable advice is often at the first meeting after which point the law of diminishing returns sets in.
Beyond that, I may be getting into diminishing returns.
One can only hope we are wise enough to fix it before the oceanic effect starts reaching diminishing returns.
Are there diminishing returns to getting too many antioxidants?
Sure, there's more tweaking possible, but eventually the law of diminishing returns says we're going to get less of a graphical upgrade than we have between previous generations.
In the last ten years publishers found a point in book size that hit diminishing returns.
So the law of diminishing returns tells us that, beyond a certain point, we will have to do more C - sections to save one neonatal life.
There are stages of response to stress, acute and then chronic, that describe exaggerated and then diminishing returns on adrenal hormone functioning.
That's clearly not the case but there is certainly diminishing returns from a cardio standpoint.
After that, it is nothing but diminishing returns.
Firms contributing to mining and extraction of resources will inevitably be forced to accept diminishing returns as the resources get harder to access.
Or would the principle of diminishing returns cut it back to something much less on an hourly basis?
Sales commissions or deposit broker fees may come out of your initial CD deposit, diminishing your returns even before the behavior of the linked securities comes into play.
But then again we're in to the law of diminishing returns here.
I'm open to hearing other opinions, otherwise value investing will have modest, if not diminishing returns.
If you want to know more do a search for «CO2 diminishing returns».
The strategy brought them striking success in 2010 and vastly diminished returns in 2012.
We also touched on some of the limitations of the technology, which has the potential to leave some votes on the table and also can hit the point of diminishing returns fairly quickly.
The 1990's model of national media focused political campaigning is now becoming less and less effective, offering hugely diminishing returns with every passing year.
The influential charter group recently decided to put its rally strategy — which has achieved diminishing returns — on hold.
Obviously you have to workout to get a lean muscular body but you reach a point of diminishing returns very quickly with exercise.
But the series was already reaching the point of diminishing returns last year, and appears to have arrived there now.
After a while, though, we encounter diminishing returns.

Phrases with «diminishing returns»

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