Sentences with phrase «dinosaur species named»

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Born: 13/03/49 Age at which he found his first fossil, a seashell: 7 Longest expedition: 3 months («In the Gobi Desert») Year in which he first named a newly discovered dinosaur species: 1979 (Amblydactylus kortmeyeri) Number of new species he's helped name: 30 Number of new species named after him: 5
Go watch Dr. Horner's TED talk on dinosaurs — what scientists called evolution may indeed be age related changes in far fewer species than those «scientists» had named after themselves.
1825: Only the second dinosaur (after Megalosaurus) to be classified scientifically, the species's first fragmentary fossils were named by British paleontologist Gideon Mantell for the similarity of their teeth to those of iguanas.
New research from University of Alberta paleontologists shows one of North America's most broadly identified dinosaur species, Troodon formosus, is no longer a valid classification, naming two others in its stead.
«New species of dinosaur named after Canadian icon: Dinosaur species from Albertadinosaur named after Canadian icon: Dinosaur species from AlbertaDinosaur species from Alberta.»
The footprints belong to a new species, named Kayentapus ambrokholohali, which is part of the group of dinosaurs called «megatheropod.»
They named the new species Rajasaurus narmadensis, which means a «regal dinosaur from the Narmada.»
Most impressive of all is a T. rex growth series, the world's only array of dinosaur specimens showing the same species at different stages of life; it includes the youngest T. rex ever found, a rare juvenile, and a subadult named Thomas.
The authors of this study that analyzed the dinosaur skull and bones, discovered in 2014 on a beach near Penarth, Wales, conclude it is a new species that they have named Dracoraptor hanigani.
An international team of researchers has identified and named a new species of dinosaur that is the most complete, primitive duck - billed dinosaur to ever be discovered in the eastern United States.
We've shrunken it down to a third of a mile along the Charles River, and invite you to join us on a walk through time to tour the many incredible events during Earth's long and storied history: the formation of the oceans, the origin of life, the first animals, the rise and fall of dinosaurs, and the appearance and evolution of our own species (to name just a few).
allosaurs (also known as allosauroids) A group of two - legged, meat - eating dinosaurs named for one of its oldest species, Allosaurus.
Dinosaur information pack, specific dinosaur facts posters for each species of dinosaur from the story, Posters for each dinosaur with picture / name / height / weight, Face masks in black and white anDinosaur information pack, specific dinosaur facts posters for each species of dinosaur from the story, Posters for each dinosaur with picture / name / height / weight, Face masks in black and white andinosaur facts posters for each species of dinosaur from the story, Posters for each dinosaur with picture / name / height / weight, Face masks in black and white andinosaur from the story, Posters for each dinosaur with picture / name / height / weight, Face masks in black and white andinosaur with picture / name / height / weight, Face masks in black and white and color.
Scientists at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences named a new ankylosaurus species «Crichtonsaurus» after Michael Crichton, who's book Jurassic Park helped make dinosaurs one of the most popular scientific subjects.
Scientists at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences named a new ankylosaurus species «Crichtonsaurus» after Michael Crichton, who's book Jurassic Park helped make dinosaurs one of the most popular scientific subjects.
I responded, «Didn't you know that the thesaurus is named after a species of dinosaur?
The very name «dinosaur» has become a byword for a species that is unable to adapt to its environment and therefore becomes extinct.
We're all familiar with the use of animal species names (general and specific) as labels for a sets of human charateristics, for descriptions of types of people, some good, some bad; for example; lion, tiger, weasel, rabbit, rat, dinosaur, pigeon, shark, albatross, crow, snake, (teddy) bear, sloth, insect, rodent, bug, cat etc..
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