Sentences with word «dioxin»

Dioxin is a harmful chemical pollutant that can be found in the environment. It is created by various industrial processes such as burning waste and using certain chemicals. Dioxin is toxic to humans and animals, and exposure to it can lead to serious health problems like cancer and damage to the immune system. Full definition
Therefore the healthy pre-modern groups that Price studied, who thrived on diets rich in animal products, probably consumed some level of dioxins in their food, possibly rivaling our own consumption.
Our paper is not from the potentially dangerous leftovers from reclaimed paper production (called «sludge», which has detectable levels of dioxin in it).
Cloth diapers reduce landfill waste and prevent dangerous chemicals such as dioxins (commonly found in paper products) from being released into our environment.
That's the verdict of doctors who have treated and monitored Yushchenko since a would - be assassin laced his soup with dioxin in 2004.
Health benefits: Disposable diapers contain chemicals like dioxin and sodium polyacrylate which may cause health problems to both babies and the people who work in the disposable manufacturing industries.
Most disposable diapers also contain dioxin.
At some point between 1999 and 2008, each of the participants also provided at least one blood and urine sample which the scientists analyzed for the presence of various chemicals, including dioxins contained in pesticides, phthalates found in fragrance, plastics, cosmetics and hair spray, plant - derived estrogens, and polychlorinated biphenyls, among others.
A 1994 EPA report found that meats and cheeses are a major source of dioxin exposure.
South American farmed fish proved somewhat more palatable: PCB and dioxin concentrations were less elevated.
Disposables contain many chemicals and toxins, including dioxin which we know to suppress the immune system, cause liver and skin issues, birth defects and even genetic damage in lab animals.
Typical waterproof covers and pads use vinyl / PVC, which releases dioxin into the environment during production and requires the use of phthalates that are harmful to both children and the environment.
Although the manufacturers of feminine hygiene products would state that traces of dioxin found in these products would not cause any potential health danger, there is no existing data proving that these products are harmless in a long term use.
WHO and UNEP are undertaking global breast milk surveys, including in many developing countries, to monitor trends in dioxin contamination across the globe and the effectiveness of measures implemented under the Stockholm Convention.
As for dioxins, PCBs, and fire retardants, they show up in wild varieties as well, but the concentrations are vastly different.
There are 14 industrial companies in the area, and many manufacture vinyl chloride, which produces dioxins, a group of chemicals that accumulate in the food chain and are classified as carcinogens.
Not only is bleaching harmful to the environment, some of the toxic dioxins released in the bleaching process may remain behind and irritate your baby's skin.
The accident provided massive amounts of data on dioxin exposures that is still being studied even today.
In fact, it's not even a close call: A study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in 2002 estimated that kids get thousands if not millions of times more dioxins in their diet than they get from their diapers.
Phytonutrients found in plant foods may protect against the toxic effects of dioxins through the Ah receptor system.
Even burning it creates harmful dioxin emissions that are bad for your health and the environment.
Dr. Vincent Pedre, a gut health specialist, points out that studies about dioxins never take into account the quality of the meat.
Produces carcinogenic dioxins when combined with chlorinated water or UV light.
There is evidence (Rudel, Fenton, Ackerman, Euling, & Makris, 2011) to support a theory that exposure to high levels of certain environmental contaminants, namely dioxin and other endocrine disruptors, while in utero (exposure to accumulated contaminants in your mother's body before you're born) can predispose a woman to have insufficient breast growth during adolescence and pregnancy, the two times in her life her breasts should be growing.
Cole also points to the high - dioxin content of various plant - based foods.
A number of actions are being considered to reduce the production of dioxins during incineration and manufacturing processes.
Over 600 people were evacuated and several thousand were treated for dioxin poisoning, evidenced mainly by severe cases of chloracne.
What about the potential negative effects of higher dioxin in your pasture raised (also meats) food?
Specifically, SUPERB homed in on 44 foods known to have high concentrations of toxic compounds: metals, arsenic, lead, and mercury; pesticides chlorpyrifos, permethrin, and endosulfan; persistent organic pollutants dioxin, DDT, dieldrin, and chlordane; and the food processing byproduct acrylamide.
Dioxin damage already has spread far beyond the boundaries of the Superfund San Jacinto Waste Pits site, an investigation by the Houston Chronicle and The Associated Press shows, but state environmental officials have failed to act.
Toxic shock syndrome is a concern with disposables since Dioxin and sodium polyacrylate are both incorporated while manufacturing them.
They are made of vinyl, a material that releases dioxins when warmed.
If dioxin isn't enough to give you pause, pesticides used in cotton cultivation are showing up in disposable pads and tampons too and have been linked to birth defects, infertility, breast cancer, sterility, and respiratory problems.
I want to live in a world with more ancient forests every year than the year before, a world with less dioxin in mother» breast milk, every year than the year before, a world with tigers and grizzly bears and great apes and marlins and swordfish.
Of course most of our exposure to carcinogens especially dioxin like compounds comes from meat, dairy and fish.
«To say that dioxins accumulate specifically in eggs or other animal products is overly simplistic and intellectually dishonest,» says Will Cole, D.C., a functional medicine practitioner.
Vitamin A has been shown to protect against dioxin toxicity; pastured eggs are higher in vitamin A than other eggs.
Trimming fat from meat and consuming low fat dairy products may decrease the exposure to dioxin compounds.
Cancer risk ratios were exceeded by over a factor of 100 for arsenic and [dioxins].»
There is one other option in the disposables which are chlorine and dioxin free like Seventh Generation, but unlike Seventh Generation are actually biodegradable and that is Nature Babycare.
My now 7 year old had a chlorine and dioxin allergy.
A further study in October of last year found an average ratio of female to male births of 54:46 in about 90 Canadian communities, a shift that James Argo of the IntrAmericas Centre for Environment and Health in Ontario attributes to dioxin pollution from nearby oil refineries, metal smelters, coke ovens, and pulp mills.
Among other things, residents are worried about the health impacts of adding Cortland County's trash to the incinerator, suggesting dioxins coming from the plant have already had adverse health effects on residents.
Although BFRs reduce the risk of electrical fires and PVC makes plastic more pliable, the former produces brominated dioxins and furans that can irritate the skin and respiratory system when heated at high temperatures and the latter often contains toxic phthalate plasticizers, suspected to be a carcinogen.
Average dioxin levels in fat in the people of Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon, are 19 ppt, compared with 1 ppt in Hanoi and around 7 ppt in the US.

Phrases with «dioxin»

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