Sentences with phrase «direct application»

Participants will continue to plan for direct application of this learning in their own school contexts.
Fortunately, impaired - risk specialists have expertise in knowing where to direct applications for folks with medical conditions.
While this rule would have its most direct application in states with a safer alternative design requirement, it would not be limited to those states.
• Recommended specific products to clients, demonstrating their use with direct application to their skin.
We invite direct applications from judicial clerks via our online application.
«There can be a more direct application of flavors,» he said.
Our professionals have the experience to analyze future capital trends and make direct applications to capitalize on opportunities today.
Evolution is further validated via direct applications ranging from medicine to agriculture to conservation biology.
Because that case was based on specific federal laws protecting mail - order brides from other countries, it has little direct application to domestic online dating cases.
DE isn't really for direct application on your pets.
The trial judge will also direct an application — to be fixed within 28 days if so inclined — to a master or district judge for further investment directions.
A business analyst has to show direct applications of their knowledge through experience, qualifications and specific examples.
Direct application techniques with flea control sprays are one of the fastest ways to give your beloved pet some relief from these biting parasites.
A career objective is probably best for you, because it will allow you to direct your application straight at your target company.
Here's everything you need to know to complete a job application, including paper job applications, online, and employer direct applications.
I have a diverse background in providing case management services as well as direct application of my abilities in the developmental disabilities field.
Participants will begin to plan for direct application of this learning in their own school contexts.
The device's ability to absorb electromagnetic energy without heating up has direct applications in imaging, sensing and lighting.
This was research with direct application, where the final goal was not just a paper in a journal or a thesis, but a product: a better crop plant for the farmer.
Real learning - that intangible period when an idea takes shape within - can only take place through direct application and experience of the thing.
As the companies who recruit the most graduates in the UK are huge organisations who see their graduate intake as a key part of their recruitment efforts, they tend to have a dedicated and direct application process.
Inhalant steroid therapy allows direct application of steroid to airways with minimal systemic absorption.
Having done so, moreover, the norms of the legal order override direct application of the comprehensive purpose.
With topics ranging from health care to archaeology, such an arrangement may or may not incorporate overtly religious themes, though direct application of classroom subject matter generally induces thoughtful reflections that can trigger a religious quest.
The analysis of modern civil religion gives evidence of one rather direct application of Durkheim's thesis — expecting in any society a reasonably close analogue to totemism.
Virtually all commercial GMO crops are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicides and / or produce toxic insecticides inside the plant itself.
Republican debate in the public sphere was constituted by an opposition between a social republicanism, seeking direct application of republican principles in the economic sphere, and a republicanism that sought to restrict these principles to the political sphere.
«Nobody wants direct application of bio-samples onto their phone,» he says.
Besides direct application of heat, heat energy can be stored by passing an electric current through the material or irradiating it with light, enabling the repeated absorption and release of heat energy by a variety of methods.
More than 75 ready - to - use assessment techniques are presented in the book, with many featuring direct applications to the Common Core State Standards.
When applying the medicine, pull the lower eyelid down and apply the ointment to the inner surface of the eyelid (the dog will try and pull away if you attempt direct application of ointment).
On the other side of the coin, this is also a fantastic entry point for FIFA virgins, because all of the challenges have direct applications over the course of an actual match.
Beginning in 2016 and continuing on an annual basis, the exhibitions will typically employ media such as digital - imaging transfers, vinyl, paint, ink or other direct applications to the wall or glass.
Herbicide - tolerant (HT) crops, more commonly known as «Roundup Ready crops,» are genetically engineered to survive direct application of one or more herbicides during the growing season, chemicals that would otherwise kill or severely stunt the crop.
Simple climate models have been used to explore the implications for global mean temperature (see Box 2.8 and Nakićenović et al., 2007), but few AOGCM runs have been undertaken (see Meehl et al., 2007, for recent examples), with few direct applications in regional impact assessments (e.g., Parry et al., 2001).
In addition to these vacancies, we welcome direct applications for non-advertised posts.
The subcommittee will develop and publish a software API that will enable direct application - to - application exchange of legal invoices and other information.
This only demonstrates the high levels of competition in this industry, with most companies taking direct applications and SMEs outsourcing their HR departments.
If you're looking for graduate jobs in Ireland, you can use recruitment agencies, job sites, speak to your university careers service, or submit direct applications.
Project Manager effective in leading and directing application projects from inception to launch.
Contains hydrocortisone aceponate, a type of steroid that works by direct application to the skin via a spray.
Real learning — that intangible period when an idea takes shape within — can only take place through direct application and experience of the thing.
We will begin with an explanation of the latter possibility, since this is a more direct application of Whitehead's own doctrine of «objective immortality.»
You can not make direct applications for the APY scheme in India and it is necessary to submit these forms to any of the nearest branches of the bank.
For example, distinctions can be made between scenario needs for research in climate scenario development and in the methods of conducting impact assessment (e.g., Woo, 1992; Mearns et al., 1997) and scenario needs for direct application in policy relevant impact and integrated assessments (e.g., Carter et al., 1996a; Smith et al., 1996; Hulme and Jenkins, 1998).
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