Sentences with phrase «direct effects of global warming»

Even direct effects of global warming, such as rising sea levels, will be difficult to assess.
The debate about climate change here often dwells on the direct effects of global warming on our natural and cultural heritage, along with the damage it will cause to agriculture and tourism.

Not exact matches

The Sun has both direct and indirect influences over the Earth's temperature, and we can evaluate whether these effects could be responsible for a significant amount of the recent global warming.
So the mechanism of global warming is an indirect effect of increasing CO2, not the direct effect of warming the atmosphere as is generally believed.
The Skeptical Science site refers to a paper by Flanner in 2009, a summary of which can be found here, that shows the direct heat from burning fossil fuels is just 1 % of the effect of the CO2 produced by this burning on the absorption of heat by the atmosphere from the sun, i.e. global warming.
The actual evidence of lives lost due to the already occurring direct and indirect effects of global warming should be completely ignored.
One of the unfortunate side effects of which was that (and this is not necessarily your field's fault in the direct sense) every two - bit environmental activist, campaigner, and pressure group took it as license to fully politicize the science with naive and exaggerated claims about the «effects» of global warming (apparently it's responsible for everything), or where the «tipping point» was (30 years, no 20 years, no 10 years, etc.) or how quickly we could «de-carbonize» our economy (50 % reduction in 40 years, no 70 % in 30 years, no 90 % in 15 years).
It's also one of the reasons that I linked to Hoffman et al at Bart's in the first place... None of this changes the fact that global warming is going to be a huge hit on planetary biodiversity further into this century, and over coming centuries, both through direct effects and through exacerbation of other non-climate-change impacts.
In effect, the major direct cause of global warming in the US may be the Environmental Protection Agency!
As a result of our recent Global Science Report on global warming ruining our bananas, one of our fans directed our attention to an important effect of climate change that we somehow missed, back in 2008, when the alarmists at the BBC wrote that it was threatening hGlobal Science Report on global warming ruining our bananas, one of our fans directed our attention to an important effect of climate change that we somehow missed, back in 2008, when the alarmists at the BBC wrote that it was threatening hglobal warming ruining our bananas, one of our fans directed our attention to an important effect of climate change that we somehow missed, back in 2008, when the alarmists at the BBC wrote that it was threatening haggis.
And before anyone starts to argue that we have left out the direct (i.e., local) effect of global warming — that warmer air holds more moisture and thus it can rain more frequently and harder — McCabe and Wolock report very few long - term trends that would be indicative of steadily rising moisture levels.
A wide range of human activities affect marine biodiversity both in direct ways, such as exploitation by fisheries, habitat loss due to dredging, filling, and other construction influences, fishing gear impacts, and pollution, and in less direct ways, including effects of global change resulting in acidification, warmer waters, and coastal inundation.
Second, you assert incorrectly that «no scientists have made a claim of direct cause and effect» between global warming and hurricane Katrina.
The direct or indirect effects of global warming might intensify the prevalence of tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS, dengue and Lyme disease, they said, but the threat of increased health risks is likely to futher motivate the public to combat global warming.
The Sun has both direct and indirect influences over the Earth's temperature, and we can evaluate whether these effects could be responsible for a significant amount of the recent global warming.
As science begins to understand more clearly how global warming creates local environmental effects, so we may begin to see the growth of direct climate change litigation.
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