Sentences with phrase «direct radiation effect»

I think there is proof that additional CO2 in the amtosphere contributes to the sufrace temperature (for example the 3.7 W / m ^ 2 direct radiation effect cited in the IPCC - report).
The team recently reported diminished tree growth near Chernobyl, which he says likely results both from direct radiation effects and indirect effects such as reduced nutrient supply.

Not exact matches

chiltepíns planted in the open, without nurse trees, usually die from the effects of direct solar radiation.
Any solar effect (either direct or indirect) which is correlated to solar activity (i.e. solar irradiance, solar magnetic field [and thus galactic cosmic rays], ultraviolet [UV] radiation, etc.) is accounted for in the linear regression.
Thus apart from direct cytotoxic effect, the exposure of cancer cells to therapeutic doses of radiation also enhances the survival and proliferation of a fraction of cells which ultimately leads to radiation resistance and therapeutic inefficacy.
This can protect the body from the direct and indirect effects of radiation.
More predators eat more prey, causing a net inward migration that is not at all a direct effect of radiation.
The downward radiation to the surface increases mainly because the low level air temperature increases, not because of the direct effect of increased CO2 in the air.
This is why (absent sufficient solar or other non-LW heating) the skin temperature is lower than the effective radiating temperature of the planet (in analogy to the sun, the SW radiation from the sun is like the LW radiation, and the direct «solar heating» of the part of the atmosphere above the photosphere may have to due with electromagnetic effects (as in macroscopic plasmas and fields, not so much radiation emitted as a function of temperature).
What climate models assume is a wide - ranging compendium of physical processes that are either well known but too complicated to incorporate into the climate model (for example the direct radiational effect of Carbon Dioxide on greenhouse warming is considerably * simplified * compared to the most sophisticated «line - by - line» radiation models that are available, simply because there isn't enough computer power to make the line - by - line calculation at every location on Earth at every time step within in a GCM), or are not sufficiently well - known to treat them with complete certainty.
The Low Dose Radiation Research Act of 2015 directs the two organisations to carry out a research program «to enhance the scientific understanding of and reduce uncertainties associated with the effects of exposure to low dose radiation in order to inform improved risk management methods.»
Here's a hint: begins with a G. 3) So after all that blabing about moon, mercury and venus it is still hard to see how the obscure part of Venus (which is not recieving any direct radiation from the Sun) is still over 400 Celcius when on a plante much closer to the same sun temperatures plunge to a a hundred negative... since the Greenhouse effect does not exist it must be MAGIC, pardon me, SCIENCE.
As far as water vapor in the tropics, they even say» In the humid equatorial regions, where there is so much water vapour in the air that the greenhouse effect is very large, adding a small additional amount of CO2 or water vapour has only a small direct impact on downward infrared radiation
In the humid equatorial regions, where there is so much water vapour in the air that the greenhouse effect is very large, adding a small additional amount of CO2 or water vapour has only a small direct impact on downward infrared radiation.
[161] The most mature Sun ‐ climate mechanism at this time involves the direct effect of the observed variation in solar UV radiation affecting stratospheric ozone, leading to associated temperature variations.
Thus, long - term variations of TSI (with account for their direct and secondary, based on feedback effects, influence) are the main fundamental cause of climate changes since variations of the Earth climate is mainly determined by a long - term imbalance between the energy of solar radiation entering the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere and the total energy emitted from the Earth back to space.»
As reported by the IPCC in the Physical Science Basis, «In the humid equatorial regions, where there is so much water vapour in the air that the greenhouse effect is very large, adding a small additional amount of CO2 or water vapour has only a small direct impact on downward infrared radiation.
Any solar effect (either direct or indirect) which is correlated to solar activity (i.e. solar irradiance, solar magnetic field [and thus galactic cosmic rays], ultraviolet [UV] radiation, etc.) is accounted for in the linear regression.
If the direct effect of the aerosol increase is considered, surface temperatures will not get as warm because the aerosols reflect solar radiation.
Purely for practical reasons, aerosol direct and indirect effects influence radiation, but not ozone.
They scatter and reflect incoming radiation (direct or albedo effect) and they alter the physics of clouds (indirect effects).
They have a direct effect by absorbing and scattering incoming solar and outgoing terrestrial radiation (1, 2) and an indirect effect by affecting cloud formation (3, 4) and biogeochemical cycles (5).
The greenhouse effect is the process, or mechanism, by which greenhouse gases interfere with the direct radiation of heat energy leaving the surface of the planet.
The reverse effect of a more quiescent sun reduces direct solar warming and, by permitting the penetration of cosmic rays, facilitates low cloud formation, which increases reflection of already reduced solar radiation, reduces clear sky, reduces evaporation and simultaneously reduces the availability of the most important greenhouse gas, water vapor, through condensation and precipitation.
Thus solar activity has associated positive feedback when more active and negative feedback when less active, dramatically magnifying Earth's thermal response to changes in solar activity and explaining how fractions of Wm - 2 change in direct solar radiation translate to many Wm - 2 effect between positive and negative phases of relative solar activity.
The direct and indirect effects of human - related aerosols on radiation, cloud, precipitation, and so on, might play an important role in generating the opposite signal in the weekend effect for different seasons.
The concrete pavements work as thermal storage through direct radiation and greenhouse effect, giving the building a selective inertia depending on the solar protection system used.
The terminology has changed, with direct aerosol forcing renamed aerosol - radiation interactions (ari) and the cloud albedo (indirect) effect now known as aerosol - cloud interactions (aci).
The most easily understood interaction between aerosols and climate is the direct effect (scattering and absorption of shortwave and thermal radiation), which is discussed in detail in Chapter 2.
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