Sentences with phrase «direction of the actualization»

The formative sequence of brain evolution guarantees the direction of the actualization.

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Yet the future may also be described by combining (M, M) and (M, P) as the direction taken by a process of actualization of previously unactualized possibilities.
Is our actualization of the potentialities within us in the direction of our becoming more committed, more open to giving - and - receiving, more faithful, more hopeful in relation with others, more in union with them?
And in providing numerous opportunities for Norton to carve out a place for himself as the everyman in the last part of the decade, the picture proves prescient for the direction of American film until 9/11 derailed its headlong gallop at actualization.
There's nothing wrong with problem solving, but in the 1970s, in the wake of the human potential movement and the advent of the family systems movement, the therapy profession seemed to be about something deeper: big changes in the direction of wholeness, self - actualization, and authentic connection.
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