Sentences with phrase «direction of the enemy»

Shooting is handled by just looking in the general direction of the enemy ship, firing with your motion controller triggers and watching as your shots hone in on the enemy.
In other words, it's very possible for her to duck into cover and be facing the opposite direction of the enemies.
Just pointing in the general direction of an enemy will usually score a hit.
During these tight dogfights you'll have an over enthuastic auto - aim to help you out: simply aiming in the general direction of an enemy plane is usually enough to activate the aid, at which point your gunfire will miracously direct itself toward the plane.
2) I like the overall direction of enemy designs we've seen thus far.
This means that rather than button mashing and swinging your weapon wildly in their general direction of your enemy the attacks and / or blocks and parry's now have the freedom to be direction specific when you perform them.
You'll come across things like rocks and tin cans to throw in the direction of an enemy to distract them, allowing you to sneak by or take them out.
Fire up a shooter and you can pinpoint the direction of enemy footsteps, using them to guide you to your foes location.
The right stick controls your ranged weapon of choice: simply twist the stick in the direction of the enemy and watch the blood fly.
The Pro version of Tactical Mask also «points» your crosshairs in the direction of an enemy hit by your own flashbang or concussion grenade, allowing you to get forewarning of enemies in a room or area.
Each vehicle introduces a new way to take down enemies, whether tapping in the direction of an enemy to fire missiles with the tank, drawing a path for torpedoes to follow with the submarine, or crashing straight into enemies as a rocket.
With Aftertouch you can redirect your shots in case you miss or in order to hit multiple enemies by swiping your hand in the direction of the enemy.
When you hop into the tank mode, the direction of your enemies» shots will be displayed via a red line.
You can't, for example, aim vertically; instead you simply shoot in the direction of the enemy and the shots magically line up.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as I often appreciate the subtle realism of a quiet street instead of some pounding city theme, and the quiet also helped me figure the direction of enemies.
Should there be multiple enemies in your way, you can perform a series of chained assassinations by tilting the left stick in the direction of the enemy you want to see dead.
From there, she could safely shoot in the general direction of the enemy, with bullets magically hitting targets.
Targeting is accomplished by pushing on the left stick in the direction of the enemy and once close, the gun auto aims.
It's strange, but going back to the old day of «shoot in the general direction of your enemy» works, but not very well.
The general direction of enemies, grass whispering in the wind, the weird combination of Didgeridoo and beat boxing on the loading screen to Junkertown in Overwatch.
When enemies are near, all you have to do is hold the analogue stick in the direction of the enemy and you attack them.
Special actions include a nice slow motion «reflex mode» (can be disabled) that displays a visual arc in the direction of the enemy who spotted you and that familiar exclamation point and sound.
You can still determine the direction of enemy fire, but pin - pointing enemy movements a little more difficult when directly compared to some other headsets I've used.
The headset also does more than that, you can clearly identify the directions of the enemy, and the sound of the resolution is sharp.
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