Sentences with phrase «direction someone take»

As with many attendees, I was pretty impressed with the new direction taken by the company.
I love the color direction you took with the soft color.
Some of my favorite posts I've written are about lessons I've learned, new life as a mom, and embracing happiness in whatever new direction it takes.
Because the breed is so young and generally loved by a younger audience, there is a multitude of directions taken for the breed.
Regardless of which direction they took, ants walking backward with cookie bits in tow maintained a straight path.
But of course I'll support whatever direction you take or decision you make on that.
It is as if people are listening to every word, seeing which direction he takes next.
I loved the music and the new art direction taken by the team.
If only by looking at the high - quality parts selection and the overall tuning direction taken, the owner of this white beast clearly knows what he's doing.
Regardless of which loan direction you take, rates and deals vary between institutions, so do your homework and shop around for the best deal.
What sets this game apart is the character development, the dialogue and the bold direction taken with the game's ending.
The school you choose can impact the career direction you take and how far you can advance in medical assisting.
It makes me even more excited to see what direction they take the next film.
Plus, from what we've seen of the new direction their taking... it's gonna be great!
Which direction they take will depend on how you handle them.
Good luck with your fund research and investments whatever direction you take.
My favorite is a stage direction taken from an obscure Elizabethan play: «Exit Clown, Speaking Anything.»»
This is the time to experiment with different theoretical lenses, hypothesise about the couple and the work, think about directions taken / not taken, and offer suggestions for the next session.
More important is the fact that we can detect no shifting from one part of the head to another in the center from which projections of direction take place, whereas if the dominant occasion does move from place to place such a shift must, in fact, occur.
A short walk in the other direction takes guests to the Marloth Mountain Reserve, with its fantastic trails, and also the nine hole golf course, reputed to be one of the most beautiful in the country.
This is wise advice, and the author is clear about the wrong direction taken by current policies: «In the name of non-judgementalism, the government's approach is abandoningyoung people to the shifting sands of relativism and depriving them of the moral compass they so desperately need.»
The original direction taken with this game's design has earned it renown as one the best 2D platforms of all time.
So, after much deliberation, here's an entire article on the astonishingly abhorrent narrative direction taken in Quantum Break.
A 20 - minute stroll in one direction takes guests to the atmospheric Old Town, whilst 20 - minutes in the opposite way brings visitors to Warsaw's beautiful Royal Lazienkowski Park.
Additionally, depending on the practice direction taken in other jurisdictions, the addition of a Master may actually serve to increase motion wait times.
What holds all this together is the way in which the things remembered are so related that there is a single direction taken by each of them, one characteristic of myself and another characteristic of you.
So God is the source of the subjective aim which is the initial direction taken by the concrescing subject in the process that constitutes that novel being.
A man that looked to be at least 15 years older than myself who was walking near me in the same direction took an extra step to catch up to me and put his arm around my shoulder and grabbed my breast, and said «Hey.»
Which ever direction you take the whole thing is gloriously green, vegan, raw, and delicious.
If, however, you doubt your color direction take a look at the page for Cool Color Analysis and see if your characteristics are a fit.
On one hand the whole angle of these monsters being rusty and out of tune with actually being scary monsters is fun, good angle, but some of the dialog and the entire direction they take is so disgustingly PC I just couldn't enjoy it.
In Young Adult, Jason Reitman's perceptive but understated direction takes the passenger seat to Cody's spiky world - view.
Doyle's brilliant direction takes the group all the way from London to a small mansion housing a group of soldiers hell - bent on recreating the human race, all while they continue to run into the frightening monsters referred to as «the infected.»
Though there is a «IV» in the title, it is not required to watch Psycho II and Psycho III to understand this film (Stefano intentionally ignored them due to not liking the conventional slasher film direction they took with the story), as they aren't directly referenced, though they aren't overtly contradicted either other than not relating how a killer like Bates managed to be let out of prison again after Psycho III.
Good performances all around as well as the intricate script and solid direction take Se7en a notch above the average serial killer thriller.
but no matter what direction it takes favorite recipes and food preparation does form the «family soul».
Unlike Max's predecessor, Max and the Magic Marker, on the Wii U, though, there's no real «drawing» of objects here as such, instead your limited to bringing forth branches and vines from predetermined glowing areas in the level, free to control the shape or direction they take within a certain radius, explained away in the game by Max having a small supply of ink.
However, Davis» artistic direction took a different course after he witnessed the Armory Show of 1913.
Appointing Singapore design studio The Workbench to craft its new identity, the overall design direction takes cue from How to Ink's artisanship and practices, creating everything handmade from their logo to their brand collaterals.
She prioritizes a sense of discovery as she works, reacting to the paint and following the natural direction it takes, reflecting a sense of impermanence, imperfection, visual economy, and intimacy.
I'd like to see GROSS wind direction taken into account.
As of July 1, 2014, the new Practice Directions take effect and all previous Practice Directions are revoked.
She only wanted to go about 90 miles, from her home to a Brussels train station, but the GPS directions took her 900 miles.
Meanwhile, sliding from left to right jumps you into video mode, while a movement in the opposite direction takes you to Portrait mode, a popular feature on most flagship phones in 2017.
Learning new technology comes easily for me and direction taken well which allows me to take quick advantage in IT knowledge skill with the experience which qualifies me in multiple areas of...
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