Sentences with phrase «direction than the rules»

Often my intuition would lead me in a different direction than the rules, but I wasn't allowed to follow it.

Not exact matches

Chinese - language dailies may be more influential than the Post, but changes in its editorial direction are seen as a barometer for press freedom under Chinese rule.
«And they have been on notice for more than a year that the government, under presidential direction, was reevaluating its approach to the Fiduciary Rule
Descartes proposed, from the very beginning of his first (unfinished) treatise Rules for the Direction of the Mind in 1628 refounding «deduction», and mathematics, by «intuited» (later «innate», Meditations, 7:64 — 5, 72 — 3) ideas rather than scholasticism's, by now discredited, «abstracted concepts».
This notion presupposes that people are guided by specific external directions rather than internalized, personal rules of just conduct.
Nature, to be sure, encourages all of us to channel our caregiving more in the direction of blood relatives and reciprocating friends than in the direction of strangers and enemies, so perhaps there is a universally human epigenetic rule to this effect.
Gregory's central subject is pastoral guidance (governance or direction) rather than the more limited notion of pastoral rule (as the available English translations would suggest).
When the religious thought of the ancient world from Mesopotamia to Palestine, and from Palestine to Egypt, required terms to express that ultimate unity of direction in the universe, upon which all order depends, and which gives meaning to importance, they could find no better way to express themselves than by borrowing the characteristics of the touchy, vain, imperious tyrants who ruled the empires of the world.
The Roman Canon Law, still in force, had all sorts of superstitious regulations about the consecrated bread, that it was not to be touched by anyone other than a priest, that if one of the breads was dropped various purificatory rules had to be performed; now instead of simply lifting the rules, on the contrary, they almost compel everyone to touch the Sacrament, with a kind of compulsive hysteria, as far removed from the Gospel as the Roman rules themselves, though in the opposite direction.
As a general rule, his Honour observed, cattle prices tend to be lower in northern Queensland than in the south (para 99; page 331) and that «broadly speaking, cattle prices throughout Queensland move in the same direction» (para 102; page 332).
Instead, he's been handed a hodgepodge of duties to manage by a ruling hierarchy focussed on profit rather than football, who are happy for the former to compromise the values and direction of the latter.
But they were only able to observe the Martian equator from a limited range of angles, and could not rule out the possibility that Stealth had reflected the signals in another direction, rather than absorbing them.
Congress can do little more than enact laws that tell federal bureaucrats to write rules for states, which write rules for school districts, which give directions to schools.
Younger artists have produced Benderesque works — Damien Hirst's Isolated Elements Swimming in the Same Direction for the Purposes of Understanding, 1991, is one striking example — but these tend to be the exceptions in their practices, rather than the rule.
Privacy laws are usually more precise in their obligations than the rules about spoliation, and one may be inclined to comply more scrupulously to clear directions.
Ultimately, the practice direction (rather than any particular Rule) was the downfall of the appellant in this motion.
• Seven years of import / export managing inventory of $ 16MM in Middle East, Africa, and Asia, and more than 10 years of Executive direction for International Sales, with extensive knowledge of regulations, rules, policies relating to foreign trade and import / export.
Guided grant contractors with any inquiries, recommended program policies, rules and standards, and provided direction to more than 30 statewide Community Health grant contract's exceeding $ 20MM.
If parents pull in different directions, then the rules of mathematics are violated: one + one = less than one parent.
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